·         My 1st Asbo Response Bundle/ pub Book Issue: 1!



Page Numbers:




·         This proves that the Enfield Council had control of the Old Man Building.

·         I was on curfew for this period of time for the Gazebo Case and knew nothing of this going on.

·         On the 07th and the 6th of June 2014 Lincoln Rd is said to of had an event take place in a squat.

·         On the same dates another event is supposed to have taken place on Crown Rd.

·         Steven Elsmore working for the police and Enfield Council with other frauded official intel to manipulate the true facts to which they knew of.

·         They used the calls from Crown Rd to be for Lincoln Rd, illegally to convict Mr. Cordell.

·         They pretended in court that the two events of these dates were illegal raves and not private parties in knowing otherwise and that both events were one of the same that Mr. S. P. Cordell was the organizer of.

·         The officers in charge of the case stated in court that they only knew of one event on these dates.

·         From the FOI requested it is clear that the police and council attended Crown Rd building while our client was on curfew for the Gazebo Case to which he won and spoke to the occupiers and they also delt with private party’s held in the squatted home on mutable occasions to which were noted.

·         The Exhibited below demonstrates some of the facts mentioned above as does the Now Claimants Diary and the Exhibited below also demonstrated the involvement of The Commissioner Of The Metropolitan Police Service. Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe within these same proceedings and within the same vicinity as Ian Davis and rob Leak and it is assumed as a more than likely assumption that due to official working duties that these 3 people had contact with one and other over these issues.



1  (Click here to go back to the Index)

My 1st Asbo Response Bundle/ pub Book Issue: 1!



Page Numbers: 297,298,299,300,301,302


Enfield Neighbors’ anger over 15-hour rave in Southbury Road

Charlie Peat / Friday 25April 2014 / News

Follow @ Enfield Andy Chaz

Ravers took over abandoned business building for more than 15 hours,

The former HAN building in Crown Road, on the junction with Southbury Road, was the venue for an illegal party that began on Saturday night.

According to residents in Anglesey Road, adjacent to crown road, the loud noise and disturbance continued until 3pm the next day.

One resident, who wanted to remain anonymous, said that the 15-hour rave was "ridiculously loud/'

He said: "It was so loud the whole house was shaking like an earthquake was happening. There are no clubs or bars near us, so this was quite a shock. We understand that sometimes it could be loud late at night but for it to continue until 3pm the next day Is not right. "I walked along to check out what was going on, it was ridiculously loud. Things were getting smashed up in the building and people were spray painting everywhere." Police say they attended late on Saturday evening and returned the following day and music was still being played.

TOTAL POLICING COME AND TALK TO THE COMMISSIONER WHAT WOULD YOU ASK? We are inviting you to meet The Commissioner of The Metropolitan Police Service. Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe.

DATE: Wednesday 14th October 2015 TIME: 6.30pm -7.30pm

(Doors open at 6.00pm for refreshments! LOCATION: Aylward Academy, Windmill Road.




Rave in disused office went on for 15 hours (From Enfield Independent) experience.

Kate Laird, also of Anglesey Road said: We are furious that nothing was done at the time, I have children and we couldn't sleep all night. 0ne of our neighbors saw police show up but they did not do anything.




The Man Building, Enfield, wrecked by graffiti


*******, Chief Reporter - north London / Tuesday 9 September 2014/ News

Follow @AnnaTimesSeries 1,663 followers


Listed building ’wrecked' by graffiti (From Enfield Independent)

Vandals have “completely wrecked” an abandoned building by painting graffiti on the front and squatting inside.

The NAN building, in Crown Road, on the junction with Southbury Road, Enfield, has also been used for illegal raves and parties in the last few months.

Formerly used as a car factory, the Grade II listed building closed down more than a year ago and Enfield Borough Council is now looking for a new owner.

*********, the chairman of the Enfield Society, has been left concerned by the way the way the building has fallen into disrepair.

He said: ‘It once had a very nice, manicured garden - but now it’s just been completely wrecked. It’s a huge shame.

“I recently discovered that squatters have been on site and It’s generally in a deplorable state, ft doesn’t give a good impression to people visiting the area for the first time.

“It’s such a high-profile site and one we should be proud of, but now it just looks awful.1

Earlier this year, people in nearby Anglesey Road, said their houses were “shaking like an

The party included loud music and continued until 3pm the next afternoon - a total of 15 hours.

Graffiti tags have now been emblazoned on the front of the building, which has been boarded up.

Mr. ******* added: “For a listed building to be left like that, it's terrible

“The plants and shrubs are overgrown too - it’s sad to see it so run down.

“It used to be such an attractive building. 1M

The Enfield Independent is awaiting comment from Enfield Borough Council


“Na Page”