Police community support officer




Police community support officer

A police community support officer (PCSO; Welsh: swyddog cymorth cymunedol yr heddlu, SCCH), or as written in legislation community support officer (CSO; Welsh: swyddog cymorth cymunedol, SCC) is a uniformed member of police staff in England and Wales, a role created by Section 38(2) of the Police Reform Act 2002, which was given Royal Assent by Queen Elizabeth II on 24 July 2002. They are non-warranted but provided with a variety of police powers and the power of a Constable in various instances by the forty-three territorial police forces in England and Wales and the British Transport Police (which is the only specialist police service to employ PCSOs).

PCSOs were introduced in September 2002 and first recruited by the Metropolitan Police.

Proposals for PCSOs in Northern Ireland were prevented by a budget shortfall in the Police Service of Northern Ireland, as well as fears that the introduction of uniformed and unarmed PCSOs in Northern Ireland (PSNI constables all carry firearms) would mean they would potentially then become a "legitimate target" in the eyes of the IRA who have attacked other civilians working for the police in Northern Ireland in the past. The Police Reform Act 2002 does not apply to Scotland, which consequently does not have PCSOs.

As of 2012, there were 15,820 PCSOs in England and Wales. PCSO numbers had, like those of police constables, been falling in previous years due to austerity. At their prior peak in 2009, 16,814 PCSOs were employed. PCSOs represent 6.8% of total police employees in England and Wales. The Metropolitan Police has the highest contingent of PCSOs, accounting for a quarter of PCSOs in England and Wales. The service with the second largest contingent as of 2012 was Greater Manchester Police (GMP) with 837 PCSOs, which was 5% of the total.

As of 2012, pay for PCSOs varied from force to force from between around Ł16,000 to around Ł27,000 per year.


·         1 Role

·         2 Recruitment selection and training

·         2.1 Recruitment and selection

·         2.2 Training

·         3 Uniform and equipment

·         3.1 Headgear

·         3.2 Formal uniform

·         3.3 Operational uniform

·         3.4 Cycle patrol uniform

·         3.5 Equipment

·         4 Powers

·         5 Expansion of powers

·         6 Use of force

·         7 Relevant offences

·         8 Organisation

·         8.1 Rank structure

·         8.2 Roles in the Metropolitan Police

·         9 Vehicles

·         10 Underage PCSOs

·         11 Deaths on duty

·         12 Union and Police Federation membership status

·         13 Special constable membership status

·         14 Future

·         15 Similar programmes in other countries

·         15.1 Australia

·         15.2 Belgium

·         15.3 Canada

·         15.4 France

·         15.5 Gibraltar

·         15.6 Germany

·         15.7 Poland

·         15.8 Spain

·         15.9 Thailand

·         15.10 The Netherlands

·         15.11 United States

·         16 In fiction

·         17 See also

·         18 References


Most PCSOs work within a Safer Neighbourhood (SNT) or Neighbourhood Policing team (NPT) that contains PCSOs, & special constables and beat managers (police sergeants). These teams are led by a neighbourhood inspector. Day-to-day duties usually include high visibility patrolling, tackling anti-social behaviour, dealing with minor offences, crowd control and directing traffic at public events, helping direct traffic at roadblocks or scenes of accidents, gathering criminal intelligence and supporting front-line policing. The Home Office have specifically limited the powers designated to PCSOs to maintain the distinction between them and police officers. Some PCSOs are attached to Road Policing Units, and British Transport Police PCSOs are deployed as part of station teams. As with many aspects of PCSOs, the specifics of each job description vary depending on the relevant force.

Recruitment selection and training

Recruitment and selection

Police forces will recruit PCSOs through adverts placed in newspapers and on the Internet and by posters in public places. Some may use open days as a method of attracting applicants which is the same way constables are recruited. The recruitment of PCSOs has helped some police forces increase the representation of ethnic minorities among their employees. Unlike with police constables, there is no set selection procedure for PCSOs and the process varies between forces. Despite this, section 38 of the Police Reform Act 2002 (the law that made PCSOs) requires that chief constables or Commissioners in charge of police forces have a duty to ensure a recruit "is a suitable person to carry out the functions for the purposes of which they are designated" and is "capable of effectively carrying out those functions”. Generally, PCSOs will be selected through a process that involves: an application form, interview and fitness tests; a medical test; and security and background vetting. Welsh PCSOs must have basic abilities to speak the Welsh language. PCSOs are not prevented from reapplying immediately like constables. Constables have to wait six months before reapplying after failing any part of the recruitment process. There is nothing stopping PCSOs applying again straight away.


Having passed the application process a new PCSO then enters the training process. Unlike police constables, there is no set training procedure for PCSOs so the training given varies from force to force. Despite this, section 38 of the Police Reform Act 2002 (the law that made PCSOs) requires that chief constables or commissioners to ensure a recruit "Has received adequate training in the carrying out of those functions and in the exercise and performance of the powers and duties to be conferred on him by virtue of their designation". The original PCSOs recruited in 2002 by the Metropolitan Police received only 3 weeks' training, which was criticised as too little. The training period was eventually raised, and new Metropolitan Police PCSOs are now trained for six weeks. Training in other forces takes between four and eleven weeks, with the length of training depending on how close the PCSOs' authority comes to that of a regular police officer.

PCSOs are trained in a variety of tasks, including: radio procedure; report writing; dealing with evidence; going to court; gathering intelligence; managing a crime scene; usage of PCSO powers under the Police Reform Act 2002 and any person powers; use of force; human rights; race and diversity; traffic direction and cordon manning; general health and safety; self-defense (including restraint techniques and the use of handcuffs or leg restraints if used by their force); and first aid. Written examinations are usually performed during training. Upon successful completion of training, there may be a passing out parade.

After training a new PCSO is normally sent out on patrol with a tutor—usually an experienced PCSO—until they are able to patrol on their own. All PCSOs go through a twelve-month probationary period after completing training.

Uniform and equipment

See also: Police uniforms and equipment in the United Kingdom Uniform

The uniform of a PCSO is similar to that of a police constable, but has a variety of uniquely distinguishing features depending on the wearer's respective force. As with a lot of things about PCSOs, their uniforms have a great deal of variation between police forces. The current ACPO guidance states that "PCSOs should be recognisable to the public as police staff, but visibly distinct from sworn police officers". Since PCSOs were first created in 2002, many forces have made changes to the uniforms issued. Most of these changes are commonly in regards to shirts, trousers and headgear.


A PCSO of the Metropolitan Police on duty during the Pride London Parade, July 2011

Two PCSOs (right) of the City of London Police with two Police Constables keeping order during a protest outside The Church of Scientology in London. Note the distinctive unique red bands and badging on the PCSOs headgear.

Types of headgear used by Thames Valley Police. From left: male PCSO flat cap, male PC custodian helmet, female PC bowler hat, male PC flat cap, cycle helmet.

A PCSO's headgear is normally a black formal peaked cap for men and a black bowler for women, although some forces are now opting for female PCSOs to wear the peaked cap. Headgear may or may not display the force crest, some have a metal shield, usually blue, stating "police community support officer" followed below with the name of the wearer's respective force in smaller letters. Some newer versions of such shields have the wearer's respective force crest printed on them. Most forces now simply issue the same hat badge that is issued to constables. The band on the hat is a silver reflective band with blue edging, a plain blue band, a chequered blue and silver band or a black and white Sillitoe tartan chequered band.

Male PCSOs wear flat, peaked caps rather than custodian helmets, which are worn by male police constables. The Metropolitan Police Authority noted in 2004 that the hats worn by male PCSOs were not rigid and 'may therefore not offer adequate protection'. Female PCSOs wear bowler hats which contain foam padding as protection.

Some forces have unique hat designs for PCSOs which are different from the more common styles such as those worn by the City of London Police PCSOs who adhere to the force's tradition of red detailing, red banding, and a red shield. Another is Merseyside Police, whose PCSOs wear a blue band with green edging. The badge is a black cloth patch similar to the metal shield used by some other forces; North Wales Police (Welsh: Heddlu Gogledd Cymru) PCSOs wear black baseball caps with a blue band with "police support" written in both English and Welsh. They are the only force aside from Cheshire Constabulary to issue baseball caps as standard headgear; most forces use custodian helmets, peaked caps or bowler hats.

Surrey Police and Greater Manchester Police (GMP) give their Traffic PCSOs (who are part of GMP's Road Policing Unit (RPU)) white covered caps in the same style as traffic police officers. The hat retains though the standard blue band and force crest as other PCSOs in GMP.

Formal uniform

Generally, most forces do not have a formal uniform for their PCSOs, but a few provide tunics. Tunics are the same as that of a Police Constable but may have special badging to distinguish the wearer as a PCSO. As with police constables, PCSOs very rarely wear tunics (provided they have been given them). One of the few examples was during the funeral of PCSO Mark Marshall of Devon and Cornwall Police who was killed in Afghanistan whilst serving in the Territorial Army. His funeral was attended by police colleagues wearing tunics including PCSOs. [citation needed]

In 2012, PCSOs who had been in service since Monday 6 February 2012 and had completed five full calendar years in the role were awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. This is a commemorative medal created in 2011 to mark the 60th anniversary of the accession to the throne of Elizabeth II. PCSOs awarded the honour may wear the ribbon of the medal while on daily routine patrol. This medal was also given to police constables under similar rules. Gwent Police issued a silver coloured "Gwent Police Staff Diamond Jubilee Badge 2012", a small lapel badge awarded to all police constables and PCSOs who received the Jubilee Medal.

Operational uniform

A PCSO on duty with two police constables. Note the blue epaulettes and cap badge.

An example of the epaulettes worn by City of London Police PCSOs

Shirts for PCSOs are either white, blue or black. Originally the shirts were collared, ironed, smart and formal with two front pockets and radio loops but in recent years are being replaced in most forces with breathable shirts made to be worn with stab vests. Such new shirts unlike their predecessors are sometimes marked with "PCSO" or "police community support officer" on the sleeves or chest. North Wales Police now have the Welsh flag on both sleeves of their shirts, for both constables and PCSOs.

Neckwear if worn is a tie for men or a cravat for women. Neckwear is normally light blue, but is sometimes black. Some police forces issue name and/or number badges to its officers to be worn on their uniforms. PCSOs in such forces have "PCSO" or "police community support officer" written before their name or number. The badge is sometimes also differently coloured from the badge of regular police officers. Trousers are usually black or dark navy blue. Originally, these were ironed, smart and formal, but in recent years are being replaced in most forces with cargo pocketed designs to allow the PCSO to carry more items.

Body armour vests are issued to PCSOs—although originally not all forces did this—and wearing one is usually compulsory. Staffordshire Police was the last police force to issue Stab vests to PCSOs; they were only issued to officers of this force in April 2011. Some forces issue tactical vests to PCSOs that go over the body armour to provide alternative storage to a duty belt. The vest usually comes in black or hi-vis yellow.

Most PCSOs tend to wear blue epaulettes on their shoulders, although some forces use black epaulettes. Since 2009 a few forces began embroidering names on to epaulettes. PCSOs are issued with hi-visibility jackets and waterproof coats of varying design depending on the force. Officers may also be issued with a simple tabard for traffic duties. PCSOs wear nylon duty belts with quick release buckles to hold their equipment in pouches.

Some police forces issue shoes or boots to PCSOs, although increasingly most do not. If shoes or boots are not issued, then PCSOs wear their own, which should be black and plain in design. [citation needed] The same rule applies to a police constable. However, as footwear is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and should be issued as such, the rule that footwear purchased by a PCSO or constable is not enforceable by any Police Force.

Cycle patrol uniform

Special uniforms exist in most forces for cycling for both PCSOs and constables. This typically consists of a cycling helmet, breathable cycling shirt and cargo cycling trousers. Hi-visibility jackets or vests are normally compulsory for cycling.


Speedcuffs in a leather pouch that are used by PCSOs of the British Transport Police, the Dyfed–Powys Police, Merseyside Police and North Wales Police (Heddlu Gogledd Cymru) as well as most UK police constables

A PCSO (left) with a UK Border Agency (UKBA) officer (right) at a customs raid. Note the distinctive badging on the back of the PCSOs body armour as well the distinctive hat band (the most commonly used) and blue epaulettes (the most commonly used)

PCSOs use a police radio to communicate with other PCSOs, police officers and the control room on the same channel. Some neighbourhood police teams NPT or safer neighbourhood teams (SNT) also monitor local shop/pub watch radios. A body armour vest is issued to all PCSOs although in previous years some forces did not do this. Arrangements for use vary between forces, from compulsory use throughout shift down to officer’s choice of use. Unlike constables, due to the non-confrontational nature of their role PCSOs are not normally issued with batons, incapacitant spray, handcuffs or leg restraints. However, PCSOs are authorised to carry and use this equipment. Four forces are an exception to this convention. British Transport Police PCSOs are issued with handcuffs and leg restraints; Also Dyfed-Powys Police, Merseyside Police, Gwent Police and North Wales Police PCSOs are issued with handcuffs.

Forces such as South Wales Police also issue 'Biteback' dog spray.

Most Police forces allow some PCSOs to use laser and radar guns to help enforce speed limits.


PCSO powers vary between forces. The powers of PCSOs mainly stem from the Police Reform Act 2002, and every PCSO since 2007 has a number of standard powers that were introduced for all PCSOs regardless of which force they belong to. This is in addition to the discretionary powers that can be designated by the chief constable or commissioner of each PCSO's respective force. Before 2003, the British Transport Police was unable to have PCSOs until Section 28 of the Railways and Transport Safety Act 2003 allowed the BTP Chief Constable to recruit PCSOs and designate powers to them using the Police Reform Act 2002—which previously only extended to chief constables or commissioners of territorial police forces.

PCSOs have a duty to act in the same manner and to the same standards as a police constable. Failure to do so could result in disciplinary or criminal proceedings related to misfeasance in public office or malfeasance in public office. Leeway may be given depending on the situation, as the circumstances may dictate, they do not have the training or equipment to deal with a situation like a constable could. It is also accepted that PCSOs do not have to intervene in high risk situations and it is reasonable if they decide to withdraw from one. This is due to the non-confrontational purpose of their role.

PCSOs are not attested constables, and therefore do not have the same powers of arrest under section 24 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984. They can, however, utilise the 'any person' powers of arrest under section 24A of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (commonly known as a citizens' arrest). This means they are able to arrest anyone without warrant providing there are reasonable grounds to suspect they are committing, or have committed or are suspected to be guilty of an indictable or 'either-way' offence. This covers offences such as arson, criminal damage, theft, assault, possession of a controlled drug and burglary, etc. All PCSOs can also make common law arrests in exactly the same manner as a constable to prevent a breach of the peace along with a power of entry.

Legislation exists that states that PCSOs are entitled to use reasonable force in order to effect an arrest as described above (under section 3 of the Criminal Law Act 1967), or to forcibly detain (using Police Reform Act 2002 powers) There is also a 'reasonable code of conduct' which is a legitimate and tested defence to a (technical) common assault of which the courts have accepted and has now been written into case law e.g. leading two disputing parties away from each other to prevent a fight – technically an assault as neither party has been arrested/detained at this point, but still considered otherwise lawful).

The term to detain (under the meaning of the Police Reform Act 2002) is a relatively new one, but under law, it is considered a temporary arrest (in accordance with Schedule 4, Part 1, Paragraph 2A(2)(b) of the Police Reform Act 2002). As a result, a PCSO may any person arrest someone he or she has reasonable grounds to suspect is attempting to escape from lawful custody when subject to a detention requirement (under Schedule 4, Part 1, Paragraph 2(3) of the Police Reform Act 2002). Section 38 Offences Against the Person Act 1861 also creates the offence of assault with intent to resist arrest, which also covers the "lawful apprehension/detention of himself or another”. This is an either-way offence, meaning that the PCSO may also any person arrest for this offence in addition to the original proposed detention.

In September 2018, Section 1 of the Assaults on Emergency Workers (Offences) Act 2018 created an either-way offence of any assault on any emergency worker, which includes PCSOs.

PCSOs may, subject to permission from their force, carry handcuffs and leg restraints which are both governed by the Criminal Law Act 1967 or common law and can be used in the same manner as a constable. They may use them for detaining or arresting a person using reasonable force under the powers listed. There are four forces at present whose PCSOs are currently carrying handcuffs (BTP, Dyfed-Powys Police, North Wales Police, South Wales Police). PCSOs are also lawfully authorised to carry CS spray and a baton when on duty, although none have yet been provided by any Chief Officer of any Police Force.

A PCSO of the Greater Manchester Police (GMP) talking to a member of the public whilst on duty. Note the plain blue band on his hat.

PCSOs have a number of other powers and abilities that they may exercise in the course of their duty:

General power of a constable to seize property.

Issue fixed penalty notices (FPN) for littering, breach of dog control orders and cycling on a footpath

Require name and address where they have reason to believe a person has committed a road traffic offence, a 'relevant offence', a licensing offence, an act of anti-social behaviour or is in possession of a controlled drug

Confiscate alcohol from persons in designated places and from under 18s, or anyone considered involved in supplying under 18s with alcohol

Seize and dispose of tobacco from under 16s

Seize (controlled) drugs under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971

Enter and search premises to save life or prevent serious damage to property

Seize vehicles used to cause alarm, distress or annoyance (s.59 Police Reform Act 2002)

Remove abandoned vehicles

Stop bicycles

Control traffic

Carry out road checks

Place traffic signs

Enforce cordoned areas under the Terrorism Act 2000

Photograph people away from a police station

Stop and search in an authorised area under the Terrorism Act 2000 if authorised and supervised by a police officer

A PCSO of the British Transport Police on duty at Newport railway station

Certain additional powers which may be assigned to PCSOs by the chief constable (or commissioner in London), but which vary from force to force, include:

Detain a person suspected to have committed an offence or an act of anti-social behaviour.

Detain a person who does not provide their name and address when required

Detain a person who fails to provide details or complies with orders of a PCSO.

Use reasonable force in relation to a detained person or to prevent a detained person making off. This may involve the use of handcuffs and leg restraints if the PCSO has been issued with and authorised to use them.

Issue penalty notices for disorder (PND), truancy, excluded pupils found in public places, dog fouling, graffiti and flyposting

Power of a constable to issue an FPN under section 68 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 (fixed penalty notice in respect of failure to comply with public spaces protection order)

Power to direct someone to leave a dispersal zone and/or seize property in relation to suspected ASB

All the powers of a Traffic Warden

Enforce bylaws

Deal with begging. This involves requiring the person to stop begging as well as providing their name and address to the PCSO

Enforce certain licensing offences

Search detained people for dangerous items i.e. weapons and/or items that could affect an escape from the PCSO

Disperse groups and remove under 16s to their place of residence

Remove children contravening bans imposed by a curfew notice to their place of residence

Remove truants to designated premises

Search for alcohol and tobacco

Enforce park trading offences

Enter licensed premises (limited)

Stop vehicles for testing

Direct traffic for the purposes of escorting abnormal loads

Deal with parking offences including giving fines

Individual chief constables or commissioners can increase the discretionary powers their PCSOs use from the existing list.

PCSO powers were further increased by the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 statute. This provided them with powers such as the power of a constable under Section 19 of PACE to seize any suspected criminal property or property suspected of being used in crime and further traffic FPN powers.

Expansion of powers

The Policing and Crime Bill 2016 set out dramatic expansions to the role of PCSO. Section 28(4)(a) states a PCSO will be able to be designated with "any power or duty of a constable (other than a power or duty specified in Part 1 of Schedule 3B excluded powers and duties)". These excluded powers would be:

Any power or duty of a constable to make an arrest (under s24 PACE 1984)

Any power or duty of a constable to stop and search an individual or a vehicle or other thing

The power of a constable, under section 36(4) of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, to perform the functions of a custody officer at a designated police station if a custody officer is not readily available to perform them

Any power that is exercisable only by a constable of a particular rank

Any power of a constable under (a) the Terrorism Act 2000; (b)the Terrorism Act 2006; (c)the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008; (d)the Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Act 2011; (e)the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015

Any power of a constable under the Official Secrets Act 1911 to 1989

The power of a constable to make an application on behalf of the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis under section 6 of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (applications for interception warrants)

This bill received Royal Assent on 31 January 2017 and was subsequently passed into law.

Use of force

Under a mix of legislation and common law, a PCSO can use reasonable force to arrest or detain a suspected offender. PCSOs in theory can all use handcuffs to detain using their own detention powers or arrest using 'any person' powers when on duty. At present only three forces permit this and issue handcuffs.

The use of reasonable force is provided by s3 Criminal Law Act 1967, the Common Law and the Human Rights Act 1998. Reasonable force is further provided to PCSOs under Section 38(8) Police Reform Act 2002 when using a power which - in the same circumstances - would also be a power available to a Constable.

Relevant offences

The following are criminal offences in relation to PCSOs under the Police Reform Act 2002 for which a PCSO can detain, or a police constable can arrest for:

Assaulting a PCSO during the course of his/her duty

Assaulting an individual assisting a PCSO during the course of his/her duty

Willfully obstructing or resisting a PCSO during the course of his/her duty

Failing to provide personal details upon request to a PCSO

'Makes Off' Failing to provide correct personal details upon request to a PCSO

'Makes Off' Having provided false personal details upon request to a PCSO

Acting in an anti-social manner - failure to give name/address to PCSO

Acting in an anti-social manner - 'makes off' whilst detained

Acting in an anti-social manner - 'makes off' whilst detained & fails to provide name/address to a PCSO

Acting in an anti-social manner - 'makes off' whilst accompanying PCSO to a police station

Contravening a PCSO's requirement to hand over alcohol

Contravening a PCSO's requirement to surrender tobacco

Failure to stop a vehicle as directed by a PCSO

Impersonating a PCSO

The common assault (indictable) of an emergency worker (PCSO) under Section 1 Assaults on Emergency Workers (Offences) Act 2018.

It is also an offence for a PCSO to imply that they have a power that they are not designated by their chief constable or commissioner.

This list is not exhaustive.

This list comes from definitions provided under paragraph 2(3) of Schedule 5 of the Police Reform Act 2002.


Rank structure

Variations of PCSO epaulettes varying between forces

Examples of PCSO supervisor epaulettes

PCSOs do not normally have a rank system; however, South Yorkshire and Kent Police employ PCSO supervisors. The South Yorkshire epaulettes have a 'bar' above the wording "Police Community Support Officer Supervisor - Traffic" with the shoulder number beneath. PCSO supervisors only supervise PCSOs and normally work under a police sergeant.

Avon and Somerset Police currently utilise a PCSO Support role, which is an administration position allowing PCSOs to continue to meet the criteria; primarily subsection three of The Policing Pledge of 2009; to conduct high visibility patrols and spend at least eighty percent of their tour of duty on patrol within the community. PCSOs are a civilianised non-uniform role, who deal mainly with the administration side of the Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT).

Although not a rank in itself, most forces have an official system of putting newly trained PCSOs on their probation with a PCSO tutor. A PCSO tutor is normally an experienced PCSO, sometimes with additional training, who will patrol with the new PCSO until he or she is ready to patrol alone. Whilst being tutored like a probationary police constable the new PCSO may have a number of tasks to complete whilst on patrol and will complete such tasks whilst being mentored by the PCSO tutor.

Roles in the Metropolitan Police

PCSO duties can vary from force to force. Many forces may officially have different roles for PCSOs in which special training and sometimes equipment is given. Within the Metropolitan Police, which is responsible for law enforcement in Greater London, several different types of PCSO exist.

Safer Neighbourhoods PCSO — Provides a uniformed presence in Safer Neighbourhood Teams, which police London's boroughs and other areas within the MPS district.

Safer Transport PCSO — Provides a uniformed presence on buses (policing on the railways and London Underground being provided by the British Transport Police.)

Traffic PCSO — Provides a uniformed presence by assisting the Traffic OCU in roads policing, along with issuing penalty notices.

Counter Terrorism PCSO (known prior to 2010 as a Security PCSO) provide a uniformed presence in well-known areas in London, safeguarding against terrorism.

Royal Parks PCSO — Provides a uniformed presence within the Royal Parks in the MPS District.

Aviation Security PCSO — Provides a uniformed presence, assisting the Aviation Security OCU in policing of London airports.

Station PCSO — Acts as front counter liaison with members of the public.

Victim PCSO — Responsible for updating victims of crime about police investigations.

Safer Schools PCSO — Provides a visible familiar police presence in local schools, tackling local school and student issues. This role was disbanded in 2012 leaving only Safer Schools police officers (SSOs)in the role.


Police constables and PCSOs on pedal cycles. Note the PCSOs' distinctive blue shirts

Most forces allow their PCSOs, commonly those assigned to duties managing traffic, to drive marked police vehicles. PCSOs may only use blue lights when they come across an accident to indicate the danger present to members of the public, to alert the public to a road hazard and when asked to by a Senior Officer.

PCSOs also regularly use mountain bikes or other bicycles. [citation needed] Since 2007, PCSOs and police constables have had to take a training course before being allowed to use bicycles whilst on duty, after a trainee PCSO died after being hit by a truck in Wigan.

In 2007, Segways were reported to be used by Metropolitan Police Safer Neighbourhood Teams (SNT) in Sutton. These teams consist mostly of PCSOs.

Underage PCSOs

In 2007 it was revealed that some forces recruited a large number of PCSOs under the legal recruitment age for police constables, which was 18 years and 6 months. The criterion seemed to be that such recruits must be at least 16 and their appointment must have been authorised by the chief constable of the force being applied to. One such officer of the Thames Valley Police Force, 17-year-old PCSO Nadia Naeem made news. The decision to appoint her and other 16- and 17-year-olds has been the subject of much debate.

On 26 November 2007 the then Home Secretary Jacqui Smith made the decision that from December 2007, all PCSOs must be 18 before they can be appointed. PCSOs under 18 years who were already appointed, or had applied prior to this ruling were allowed to hold their positions.

A few police forces including West Midlands Police, Cumbria Constabulary and the British Transport Police are accepting applications from candidates below 18 years due to the lengthy recruitment process. Candidates will therefore be able to begin training upon reaching the required age.

Deaths on duty

Since their introduction in 2002 four PCSOs have died on duty:

31 January 2006, PCSO Adrian Martin, aged 45 – Metropolitan Police: Collapsed and died of heart failure while on a police cycle training course at Hendon. He was the first PCSO to die on duty.

10 September 2007, PCSO Chris Maclure, aged 21 – Greater Manchester Police (GMP): Died whilst on cycle patrol in Hindley Green Wigan when he was accidentally struck by a lorry. As a result of his death safety was improved nationally for officers deployed on cycles. An award for GMP PCSOs the ‘PCSO Christopher McClure Memorial Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Community’ was made in his honour.

28 April 2009, PCSO David Leslie Adams, aged 59 – Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Died of a suspected heart attack whilst attending a road traffic collision whilst on duty in Woolverton near Frome. PCSO Adams had previously been a Traffic Warden with his Force before becoming one of the constabularies first PCSOs. During his service he won an award in 2007 for outstanding customer service in the Somerset East District at the Avon and Somerset Community Police Awards.

29 July 2019, PCSO Alex Franklin, aged 52 – Northamptonshire Police: Died at home a few hours after sustaining injuries after being assaulted by several teenagers, this incident was also recorded and subsequently posted on Facebook. An investigation into his death is currently on going.

The Police Roll of Honour Trust includes PCSOs in its roll of fallen officers alongside constables providing they die in operational circumstances (i.e. in the performance of a law enforcement role, including patrol).

Union and Police Federation membership status

PCSOs cannot by law be members of the Police Federation, the staff association to which, by statute, all regular police officers from the rank of Police Constable to that of Chief Inspector belong. Police officers cannot by law join any trade union, but as designated, unsworn, unwarranted officers, PCSOs can, despite being employed by the Police. Most PCSOs belong to UNISON. But other PCSOs are represented by PCS - Public and Commercial Services Union for PCSOs in the Metropolitan Police and TSSA - Transport Salaried Staffs' Association who represent PCSOs in the British Transport Police (BTP).

Unlike police constables, PCSOs can strike. This has occurred during the 2011 Public Sector Workers strike, which was partaken in by some PCSOs. Police constables, on the other hand, cannot legally strike as a result of the Police Act 1996, although they have not been able to strike since 1919 when it was first outlawed. Police Acts do not apply to PCSOs.

Special constable membership status

Unlike other civilians employed by the police, PCSOs are usually not Special Constables, as this may cause confusion with their PCSO role, since Specials have the same powers as paid police constables. Any PCSO wishing to become a Special Constable would usually be required to resign and the same would apply for any Special Constable wanting to be a PCSO.


It was expected that the Conservative Party might remove PCSOs in early 2010. It has been reported by the Daily Telegraph that under the Conservatives, police chiefs will no longer be given a fixed amount of money to spend only on PCSOs. Before the 2010 General Election the then Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling was understood to be doubtful of the effectiveness of PCSOs and was concerned that a disproportionate number of them were disciplined in 2009. He stated he would leave it up to individual chief constables to decide whether their particular police force needs PCSOs. However, when interviewed by the Yorkshire Post in May 2009 he suggested that the Conservative Party may well scrap PCSOs altogether.

Since the 2010 general election held on 6 May 2010 which resulted in a Conservative Party led coalition government coming to power, no police force has disbanded or announced the disbanding of its PCSOs, and many forces have continued to recruit PCSOs after the 2010 election. Such forces include Durham Constabulary in December 2011 and British Transport Police (BTP) in June 2011. BTP in 2012 have decided to increase their overall numbers of PCSOs. The Metropolitan Police in February 2012 undertook a recruitment campaign to employ around 1000 additional PCSOs.

Chris Grayling, who was possibly considering reducing or disbanding PCSOs, was not made Home Secretary after the 2010 general election. Instead, he was appointed Minister of State at the Department for Work and Pensions.

In April 2012 Home Secretary Theresa May told a Home Affairs Select Committee she would leave PCSO funding and numbers to individual police forces although she did not announce any all-out plans to disband them.

During the England and Wales Police and Crime Commissioner elections, 2012 the UK Independence Party (UKIP) Candidate for the post of police and crime commissioner (PCC) for Norfolk Constabulary Matthew Smith stated he was doubtful of the effectiveness of PCSOs and wanted to reduce their numbers claiming during a debate on BBC Radio Norfolk in the run up to the election that the public in his opinion were not happy with PCSOs seeing them as "Plastic Policemen" During his campaign to be the PCC he stated he would prioritise recruitment to have more Police Constables and Special Constables rather than PCSOs.

All other PCC candidates for Norfolk Constabulary defended PCSOs and their role in the debate. The election for PCCs Matthew Smith is the only known candidate during the England and Wales Police and Crime Commissioner elections, 2012 who planned to reduce PCSO numbers. Although later in 2018 Norfolk Constabulary abolished its use of PCSOs and made all of its remaining PCSOs redundant.

See also

·         UK police ranks

·         Police Reform Act 2002


Law enforcement

in the United Kingdom



·         Courts

·         Prisons



·         Agencies

·         police forces

·         defunct

·         Firearms use

·         History

·         Ranks



·         Aviation

·         Firearms

·         Uniform and equipment

·         Vehicles


Types of agency

·         Territorial police forces

·         Special police forces

·         Port police

·         Park police

·         Service police

·         Non-police

·         Other


Types of agent

·         Accredited person

·         Bailiff

·         Certified enforcement agent

·         Civil enforcement officer

·         Civilian enforcement officer (magistrates' bailiffs)

·         Civilian security officer

·         Special constable

·         Constable

·         Chief constable

·         Court security officer

·         County court bailiff

·         Custody officer

·         Customs officer

·         Highways Agency Traffic Officer

·         High Court enforcement officer (High Court sheriff)

·         Traffic officer

·         Immigration officer

·         National Crime Agency (officer)

·         Police community support officer

·         Police custody and security officer

·         Prison officer

·         Tipstaff

·         Traffic warden

·         Water bailiff

·         Wildlife inspector