Hello is this Sally Gilchrist.

It's Simon Mr Simon Cordell I'm glad that I got through to you.


I'm glad I got through to you.

Sally I'm quite concerned about the position that you have left me in as the legal director executive director of the solicitor firm.

I hope that you just take 5 minutes to go through this with me because I hope and I think me and you are the only two that are going to resolve these problems otherwise I'm about to go public Sally yeah with everything Sally with what you have done to me and I have recorded loads of conversations of you, for the last few years of this case going on Sally I've got the laws in front of me now are you with me.


Yes, I am listening.

Are put the load right in front of me and it says that an ASBO cannot be granted. 

I can't advise you.

I'm not asking you to advise me Sally I'm telling you right now yeah the reason that these police officers are in trouble yes is because Steve Elsmore was told to go into the police computers and to create a case he has used other police officers report statements and he has amended them and open them up and he legally is not allowed to do this open them cases files and then edit them, the criminal standards have not been met if the whole case relies solely on Hearsay all of The Witness statements are not signed by Witnesses themselves they signed by the police officers and they should all be signed and for that reason if a member of the public refuses to sign something yeah then what should happen Sally.

Hello Sally what should actually happened Sally Is it must go into the police computer as an MG6 which is Undisclosed information the police should not be filling out the forms on mg11 please witness statements and then using them as a witness statements and then adding their own personal witness statements this is confusing, I have the laws in front of me and it says that at High bury Corner.

This is the same conversation we keep having.

No sorry it's not the same conversation that we keep having because you keep avoiding the conversation.

Sally it is you that keeps avoiding the conversation and situation because you signed for all the expenses on this case and you understand the corruption inside of the Anti-Social Behaviour Order and when you have been told at the earliest opportunities so for you to do something about it, you haven't taken them opportunities.

This is the same conversation that we keep having.

No it is not no Sally you keep signing all the expenses to this case and you know that your job is at the end of it Sally yeah.

The matter is at an end.

No the matter is not at an end because I still want it to go back to court and I've still not had a fair appeal since the start of the case from 2014 with a solicitor present that I have been allowed to have.

I am bringing this case back to court Sally and I have been on the phone to the court Sally and the courts have agreed that the case can go back through the courts again sally.

Well OK well I will wait to hear from u soon.

What you are doing is illegal Sally.

It to protect your job and yourself and you are not caring about the police officers at the other end and you're not caring about me or my other members on my housing estate in all of them forms fabricated then you are saying that if the conspiracy that I'm saying is true then it would be so big on the Metropolitan Police forces side that it just can't be true; well I am correct because none of the paperwork has any signatures, meaning that there aren’t no members of the public signatures at the bottom of the paperwork in the folder and you need members of the public to bring an ASBO case against me.

Sally you are holding me for 8 years and the maximum; seven years sorry, and the maximum sentence is 6 months in prison two three years.

You're getting confused between criminal and civil law.

No but you called it an illegal offence.

There is no point in going over this again.

Yeah, but you, have called it an illegal offence and I have not been arrested.

Sally you called it the organisation of illegal raves illegal being the keyword.

I do not want to have this conversation.

That's what this case is the organisation of illegal raves and I have never been arrested for something that is illegal Sally you're the executive director of this country and you're looking after us.

I don't know why you keep ringing me up.

Because you're ruining my life and damaging my reputation on my Estate I cannot work with no other borough because you lot all fraudulently fabricated a load of paperwork and you put it through the courts and I am the person that got accused.

Yeah but you're been you're all been you're altogether you all under the same salary and they're all trying to save your job Sally and you're ruining all these coppers careers and you're going to ruin my life as well Sally because you signed the expenses on this case and it has come up to a; bloody lot of money Sally you are taking the Mickey out of all of us, me and my neighbours are suffering because you used fraudulent evidence over one person being kept up overnight on 1 night.

I have got every Face book folder of all the evidence that I'm being accused of Sally and I've not handed them to you, yeah because I'm not a super grass, but I'm going to end up put them all online Sally, because I copied all the six events that I'm being accused of as they weren't me; so, I went to Face book and I copied the whole Face book profiles that I got accused of in 2014 when you supposedly served me.

I showed that Robert phone up grass when you get on the phone to me, I showed that Ross phone that Robert when you get off the phone to me the barrister that you had, I showed him in the courtroom Sally I said look here's the folder of Chris Lurch's Face book proving that it is not me but I am not giving it to you.

I have not got the time for this.

Sally, no you must have the time for it yeah, because you are holding me hostage Sally, you must have time Sally, you are holding me hostage. 

You are dead.


I am recording this conversation right now again like I have already recorded you loads of times.


I just heard you say to me that I am dead yeah, I am not dead Sally yeah what you're doing is against the law Sally.

I did not say that.

It is clear.

I did not say that.

OK well I hope you did not because I am going to play back in a second to myself and confirm.

Yeah, do that.

you're going to make this go public and you're going to cause a riot in London yeah and it says on them pages just under inspector Skinner's pages that it was white people that Commit this offence I am mixed race Sally how could I have done that and then gone outside the gates hours later you arrested Antony Harris in that building and Anthony Harris was on bail conditions at that time in the building for Andrew Rio's death.

He had got plastered all over the news; inspector Skinner caught him in that building he had him hostage it says it in the paper you arrested him at 10 o'clock then I turn up outside the gates that are surrounded and protected at 3 o'clock in the morning, yeah, then he dearest-ed Anthony Harris while he is on bail conditions and he arrested me outside of the gates Sally and set me up for it.

Another event; Sergeant Adrian  combs landed in a helicopter, I spoke to Sergeant Adrian combs on the phone yeah, he age is a inspector for Essex police station and he owns; big boss limited, which represents all the festivals in London, his the big boss for all of the festivals and he says that he hates corrupt coppers and what you have done is corrupt to me, because he was the one going to Chris lurches house and yeah and he was the one doing all the searches talking to Chris he told Chris not to throw the event and Chris went to Essex and through the events I've got the newspaper articles of Sergeant Adrian  combs landing in the helicopter in the field and taking pictures of them all with reporters and he then served them all an abatement notice and told them to get out of Essex; you're not allowed in there for 24 hours.

Sergeant Adrian combs has sent us the evidence of this and that he also sent the Metropolitan Police the evidence of this and then somehow my pictures has been put in place for this event now and so I've been accused of throwing this party.

Right, I've got to go Mr Cordell I have other things to do I've got to go right now.

No Sally this is the law.

I have got to go I've got to go I've got to go I've got to go.

Sally no Sally no you are ruining my life because you want to keep your job you are wrong Sally.

You're wrong sorry you're wrong.

I got to go I got to go I got to go.

So what are you going to do you're not going to help me you're doing the right thing then sally.

End of call phone hand.