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       Continuation of State1nent of   Douglas Skinner .............. ;:.-.;, • .-;,-a • .-•• • .-.·-.. �;-;;·,;�;,·,: ......... ;,'.:, . •·;·.-; •• .-. :.-"• ....  ( , •• :,,,.-, •. ,-........ . ............. ..
       These youths would   trying to find  the   of the   Due to thi  and to   disorder in the area

       1 requested the Commissioners Reserve of TSG be called out to deploy to Enfield Borough and patrol the area.
       I · also infonned Cordell that as the organiser of the rave it was my opinion that his actions would result in
       breaching the peac    the surrounding area. This could result ·  damage to property, both the premis  and
       surrounding, area and violence breaking   As a result of this to prevent of breach of the peace   arrested
         He was : taken to �dmonton Police Station     al 0400hrs whe    was satisfied a breach of
       the peace would be unlikely to now occur.

       By removing Cordell (the organiser) the other people present left the premises and eventually drifted away
      from i Southbury Roa  The music     loaded     van   the scene. However it c  not leave
      the car !       g      a        0200hrs  the van was     leave by

      over the pavement between the ba  No furth�r raves happened 011 the borough that night:



                                            ---- ···---·-······----

     Signature:                             Signature witnessed by:
                                                                  '  •  •  •  I . •  O  •  •  •  •  • .  I   •  •  •  •  �  •  •  .. "  •  :  •  •  •  '  '  •  •. '•'  •  •  ,. ; •  •  •  t  •  f  • •  •_. t  • .•. t  •  �  \  •  •  •  o  •  t
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