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11,The Claimant has informed  the Defendant of  the impact of his  conduct and
                    behaviour on other residents and sent him warning letters. The Notice of Seeking

                    Possession clearly sets out the details of the complaints,

                 12,The Claimant was assessed by a consultant psychiatrist on 6 July 2018 and she
                    confirmed that the Defendant lacks capacity to litigate.

                    1. Possession of the premises known as 109 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3


                    2. Mesne profit at the rate of £13.99 per day from the day possession is granted.

                    3. Costs

            Statement of Truth
            I believe that the facts stated in this Particulars of Claim are true.

            I am duly authorised by the Claimant to sign this statement.

                                                               Dated: 29 January 2019

                    (Claimant’s Solicitor)

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