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35.On 9   th  January 2018 the Defendant called Kaunchita Maudhub (ASB Behaviour
               officer) and left a long voicemail on her work telephone number and made threats.

           36.On 26 February 2018, at around 11.45pm it is alleged that the Defendant came to
               one of his neighbour’s  front door and started  making loud banging noises and
               rattling with their letter box. The Defendant ran away after the neighbour opened
               her front door.

           37.On 1   st  March 2018 it is alleged  that the Defendant  knocked on one of his
               neighbours’ door loudly, he started rattling with their letter box and shouting. This
               went on for 5  to 10  minutes, but  the Defendant left after he heard  that the
               neighbour was calling the police.

           38.On 15 March 2018 it is alleged that the Defendant swore, shouted and assaulted
               one of his neighbours in front of his wife and his 3 years old child.

           39.On 1 May 2018, the Defendant attended the Edmonton County Court as there
               was a hearing listed in relation to an injunction. It is alleged that the Defendant
               started  shouting  abuse,  swore  and  make threats  to  two  of  the  Claimant’s
               employees (Lemmy Nwabuisi, ASB officer and Balbinder Kaur Geddes, lawyer)
               and to one of his neighbours who attended Court to give evidence. The Defendant
               also swore at a  judge.  These incidents were witnessed by  members of  staff
               working at the Court.

           40.On 29 May 2018, it is alleged that the Defendant attended one of his neighbours’
               property; he took his dog with him and waited by their front door. It is alleged that
               the  Defendant  tried  to  intimidate  as  they  were  due  to  attend  a  hearing  in  the
               Edmonton County Court to give evidence in support of a claim for an injunction
               issued against the Defendant.

           41.On 30 May 2018, it is alleged that the Defendant made threats to kill to one of his
               neighbours. The matter was reported to the police. The Defendant was arrested
               and released on bail.

           42.On  29   th  August  2018,  it  is  alleged  that  the  Defendant  assaulted  one  of  his
               neighbour for flushing his toilet.

           43.The Defendant telephoned two council officers (Lemmy Nwabuisi and Ludmilla
               lyavoo) on 12   th  September 2018 and made threats to them over the telephone.
               The Defendant also accused them of fraud and of fabricating evidence to support
               the Council’s claim for an injunction

           44.On  12   th  September  2018  at  about  3.50pm,  the  Defendant  called  one  of  his
               neighbour on his mobile phone using a private number. It is not known how you
               obtained his number, but he terminated the call. The Defendant called

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