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P. 147

Part 9 - Rent

               Do you pay rent for your home?

              What is the start date of your tenancy?
              Please provide proof of tenancy, e.g. Tenancy Agreement
              What date did you move into this address?                                                                             If you pay weekly, how many weeks in the year do you pay rent?

              If you have not moved in yet, you must tell us as soon as you do move in, otherwise it could affect the               Does anyone else share rent with you and your partner?
                                                                                                                                    Tell us their names and their relationship to you and your partner.
              amount of benefit you get.

                 If you are a Council tenant or owner occupier please go to Part 10                                                 How much of the rent do you pay?                           every

              What is the name and address of your                 What is the  name and address of your                                                                                            (For  example,  every  week/fortnight/4
              landlord? (we will not contact your                  landlord’s agent (if applicable)?                                                                                                weeks/month)
              landlord without your permission)
                                                                                                                                    Who do you pay your rent to?

                                                                                                                                    Has your rent been registered as a fair rent by a rent officer?
                                                                                                                                    (If you have an assured tenancy this does not apply to you)                  Yes Q No| |
              Postcode                                        Postcode

              Phone number                                    Phone number                                                          Accommodation details
                                                                                                                                    Please tick the type of accommodation you live in
              We conduct land registry checks to confirm the current owner of the property.                                                  Detached house               Flat over shop                                Hostel
              Are you, your partner, or any of your or your partner’s children related to your landlord or agent, or                         Bed and Breakfast                  Maisonette                         Flat in block
              to your landlord’s partner or the agent’s partner?                                                                              Terraced house               Room or rooms [  ] Room No [  ]
              Related includes related through marriage, even if the marriage has ended. Some examples are                                                                                                               Hotel
              ex-wife, ex-husband, aunt, brother, daughter, father, grandson, grandmother, son-in-law or                                      Studio flat                   Semi-detached house                   Flat in house
              stepdaughter.                                                                                                                    Bedsit                 Other (please specify)
              You: Yes { / } No [  ]
              Q Your partner: Yes [  ] No [  ]

                                                                                                                                    How many floors are there in the whole building?
              If ‘Yes', how are you related?
                                                                                                                                    Which floors do you live on? (if you have a room only, which floor is it on?)

                                                                                                                                    Basement [  ] Ground [  ] First [  ] Second [  ] Third [  ] All [  ] Other, please give details
                                                                                                                                    If you live in a single room or in a room in a hostel/hotel, where is it in the building?

                                                                                                                                                        Front [  ]            Centre [  ]              Back [  ]

             We will search to establish ownership of the property. Proof of rent must be provided -
             See checklist.

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