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Mr Simon Cordell
            109 Burncroft Ave
            Enfield Middlesex
            EN3 7JQ

            Re: Formal Complaint due to letter dated 29/11/2016 this Formal Complaint is to be added to the
            Formal Complaint dated 24/08/2016.

            Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi and any other person who is copied in this letter.

            I am writing this letter on behalf of Mr Simon Cordell of 109 Burncroft Ave, EN3 7JQ regarding the letter
            you wrote dated the 29/11/2016 which was received on the 01/12/2016.

            I am not sure if you are aware there is an ongoing formal complaint that is being addressed by Mr Daniel
            Ellis from Complaints & Access to Information Team which addresses some of the information you have
            included into your letter, but I will be covering points in this reply and also forwarding it to the people it
            needs to be addressed to.

            The 1 point I will address is the meeting you have set up for Mr Simon Cordell on the 06/12/2016 at 14:00
            hours at Enfield Civic Centre.
            I do not believe that it is justified to hold this meeting before the formal complaint is dealt with as stated
            many points in your letter has been covered in my formal complaint dated 24/11/2016, also until I have the
            subject access request information dealt with and have a list of dates and times these so called
            complaints were meant to have taken place and the reports from police that have been sent to Enfield
            Council I do not think holding this meeting would be appropriate.

            I have spoken to my solicitor in regards to this matter and on advice taken from him he has told me to give
            limited information until I have the subject access request, this is why my formal complaint did not have
            full information in it as my solicitor does believe we have a case to take legal action, and if any data is
            withheld as it was when I requested my last subject access request for all my information I will have to
            take this up with the ICO.

            However, it does seem there is more injustice going on within the ASB unit and Enfield Council then I had
            proof of before you wrote your letter dated 29/11/2016. There has been complaints put into Enfield council
            since 2014 about Mr Simon Cordell’s neighbours and what they were doing to him, Enfield Council and
            ASB unit took the option and done nothing, not even replied to my complaints, took no reports, and did not
            even looked at the video footage Mr Simon Cordell has of the noise, the banging the intimidation my son
            has taken from his neighbours, and the way they are doing all they can to get Mr Simon Cordell to move,
            the way he has been treated by Enfield Council by way of Enfield Council doing nothing to help him. You
            have been told many times the effect this is having on Mr Simon Cordell’s heath yet still choose to do

            Yet as soon as Enfield Council gets reports against Mr Simon Cordell you are willing to address these
            complaints. Once again I will say I feel this is due to reports the police have put in to Enfield Council about
            Mr Simon Cordell, Meetings that took place with the Met police and Enfield council in regards to Mr Simon
            Cordell which Mr Simon Cordell knew nothing about until after the fact, and the colour of Mr Simon Cordell
            skin, why Enfield council have done nothing to address any issue Mr Simon Cordell was having with his
            neighbours regarding what his neighbours was doing to him.

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