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\dmitted/detained at:                                                                        October 2009
          Hospital/llnit  Not applicable


          1 Summary of assessment

            Patient's name Simon Cordell                                     Date of assessment 03.02.16

            1. Referral details and any other predicating factors________________________________________________________________________________:
             On 27.11.15 Mr Cordell’s mother contacted the Enfield HUB, mental health referral centre. She reported that Mr Cordell
             was not eating, not sleeping and that he was experiencing persecutory ideas, thinking that people are laughing at him
             and talking about him. His mother said that Mr Cordell believed that the government were advertising information about
             him and that the television was talking about him or to him. She stated that Mr Cordell was smoking significant amounts
             of cannabis and he was not taking the anti-depressant medication that as prescribed in March 2014. On 01.12.15 Mr
             Cordell’s mother again contacted the Enfield assessment mental health team and reported that Mr Cordell had locked
             himself in his room and believed that his television was talking to him. She reported that Mr Cordell was eating but not
             as regularly as previously. She said that Mr Cordell sometimes believes that his mother’s body language is sending him
             messages. She reported that he had not had any recent contact with his friends but does go out on a scramble bike and
             had injured his hands.
             On 01.12.15 a worker from the Enfield assessment team phoned Dawn Allan, estate officer, who reported that he had
             threatened to strangle his neighbour who had been moved as a result. Mr Cordell had accused his neighbour of
             deliberately causing noise disturbance.
             On 01.12.15 an assessment team worker phoned Mr Cordell and reported that she had received text messages from
             Mr Cordell saying that he will commit suicide once a court case is finished.
             Mr Cordell was assessed by Dr Cushion, psychiatrist based at the Home Treatment Team, on 08.12.15. There was no
             concerns identified concerning his personal care. He said that he hasn't gone out for months and his mother does all the
             shopping. He spoke about a conspiracy to destroy his good name and send subliminal messages to him via the
             Mr Cordell said that the woman in the flat upstairs had been “stalking him” he elaborated and said that she stamps on
             the floor when she hears him moving around his flat or taking off his clothes. He spoke about his plans to start a global
             business for children. He said that he had about having thoughts of killing himself when he eventually clears his name.
             He did not accept that he had a mental disorder during the assessment.
             On 10.12.15 Mr Cordell was contacted by Goodie Adama, early intervention team worker. He said that he was not
             interested in meeting with mental health services. He spoke about being victimised bvthe police. On

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