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police did not have a 101 book his statement was not dated and was only a copy, and
          the police officer told the judge that the seizer ticket had been lost that he gaven my

          son. The judge ordered the real ones to be in court he wanted them. The remarks the
          Judge made showed he was not happy the judge also order the audio files stay on file,
          and told the CPS he needed to inform the right persons as to what had gone on. The

          judge released us from court. There is a complaint with the IPCC about this.

          There is also the fact that the police know that the public order unit at Scotland Yard
          hold the people names that set these parties up. we have asked for this information but

          it has not been given. I have spoke to the public order unit a Val tanner and DS
          Chapman and have been told by them they took over dealing with raves from the
          Croydon Rave which has been said in this ASBO the fact is they only have my son’s

          name on there system’s once and that was when he was arrested at carpet right.

          I know for a fact due to information I have gather since this ASBO was given to my son
          that the public order unit in fact knows who was the organisers are to the raves my son

          is said to have done.
          there is facts on the 6th June the there was a party due to take place in Essex the public
          order unit had been in contact with the organiser of this party which was to last the 6th

          7th 8th June 2014 for the weeks before it was due to take place. on the day of the 6th
          the police sent helicopters out in the Essex area to find the location of the private party,
          the police helicopters did find the location and within 10mins police was at the location.
          Essex police officer found the person they was looking for and handed a police

          dispersal order for the people that was there at the location and also an order that he
          could not setup within the next 24 hours.
          Simon was not anywhere near Essex and was not planning on going to Essex. that day

          or any other day.
          The private party got moved to a new location by the person and this was Progress
          Way, Enfield, so how police can blame my son for this party is beyond me they have it

          on the police systems and know it was not my son.
          I believe all the dates my son is changed with in this ASBO the police all ready have on
          there systems at the public order unit at Scotland Yard who was the real organisers and

          that was not my son.
          On the 19/07/2014 police at the public order unit at Scotland Yard had also contacted
          the person they new was the organiser.

          Signed                                            Witnessed By

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