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Mr Simon Cordell
                                                                                              109 Burncroft Ave
                                                                                              EN3 7JQ

          RE: Formal Complaint dated 24/11/2016:

          To Whom It May Concern:

          I am writing this letter on behalf on my son Simon Cordell of 109 Burncroft Ave, EN3 7JQ.

          Over the past few years my son has been having some issues with his neighbours this started due to what the
          police wrote about him in the newspapers about an ASBO that was granted by the lower courts in the newspaper
          the truth was not printed in the newspapers or on the Met Police website, the judge did grant the ASBO order but
          not on the grounds the police case was for we are still trying to work on how this was done to this day, this was
          not related to his neighbours why the police took this action it was due to lies by the police, this case is still
          waiting an appeal hearing at the crown court which will be held Jan 2017.

          It was after this was printed in the news paper and on the met website my son started to have issues with
          neighbours banging all the time and the way they were treating him and talking about him and not letting him
          have any rest to sleep due to the banging all the time emails were sent to Enfield Council yet very little was done
          yet my son has video footage of it which the council has never wanted to see or4 take any reports, this has made
          his heath suffer, I feel this was due to what the police have been telling Enfield Council and Enfield Council just
          taking the word of the police without asking my son or myself to explain as since all this started Enfield Council
          has not wanted to help in any way, could this be due to the colour of my son’s skin as I am lost for words that
          Enfield Council has done nothing to help.

          My son has been a tenant for many years now with no complaints about him until this all started above and things
          were put in the news papers for all to see when my son had done nothing wrong and will prove this at his appeal
          in Jan 2017.

          The police do not like my son and have not for the past 21 years and there is a lot of issues that Enfield Council is
          not aware of about the police and my son this is getting addressed with the IPCC and police complaints, and we
          are now sorting out legal action as to what this has done to our life’s over the years this has been ongoing the legal
          action is taking time due to how long this has been ongoing with the police.

          There is also a subject access request attached to this email which I am asking for everything Enfield Council hold
          information about in regards to my son, this will also include any police reports that the police have handed to
          Enfield Council. If this needs to be handed to the correct department to deal with this or there is a cost pleases
          advice via this email, I have also included a letter of authority from my son so I can act on his behalf.

          I do already know there is data being held by Enfield Council that is not correct and I want to be able to get this
          correct under the data protection act.

          On the 14/08/2016 my son had some friends round to his home they came there at around 13:30 hours, after they
          left the police showed up at his address to arrest him this was due to one of the neighbours

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