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The behaviour of the child is of concern to two or more of the partner agencies and/or their
               parents/carers, and they consider that it requires a multi-agency response.
               The parent/carer and child are willing to take part, give consent to the referral and the child is
               willing to co-operate with an integrated support plan.
               The child is exposed to four or more risk factors.
               There is known offending behaviour up to and including a police reprimand or ASBO, or
               there is concern over potential involvement in criminal or anti-social behaviour.
               The panel is made up of representatives from a variety of agencies which can include YOTs;
               police; social services; housing, probation, and education services; Connexions; voluntary
               sector organisations; anti-social behaviour units; and the fire service. (This list is not
               exhaustive and can be tailored to local circumstances.) The panel will meet on a regular basis
               and consider referrals made to it in order to devise an integrated support plan. The YISP must
               ensure that a mechanism is in place for the sharing of information. The method, criteria and
               considerations for this can be found by referring to the Association of Chief Police
               Officers/Youth Justice Board guidance.
               16 Association of Chief Police Officers/Youth Justice Boat’s (2005) Sharing Personal and
               Sensitive information in Respect of Children and Young People a! Risk of Offending.
               London: Youth Justice Board,
               Simon Cordell’s Skeleton Argument (2) Pdf
               Appendix B
               County court Practice Direction according to the Civil Procedure Rules
               Anti-social behaviour orders under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998
               Scope of this Section and interpretation
               65.21    (1)  This Section applies to applications in proceedings in a county court under
                              sub-sections (2), (3) or (3B) of section IB of the Crime and Disorder Act
                              1998 by a relevant authority, and to applications for interim orders under
                              section ID of that Act.
                        (2}  In this Section -
                              (a)  ‘the 1998 Act’ means the Crime and Disorder Act 1998:

                                   'relevant authority' has the same meaning as in section 1(1A) of the
                              (b)  1998 Act: and
                              (0   'the principal proceedings' means any proceedings in a county court.
               Application where the relevant authority is a party in principal proceedings
               65.22    (1)   Subject to paragraph (2) -
                        (a) where the relevant authority is the claimant in the principal proceedings, an
                        application under section 1B (2) of the 1998 Act for an order under section 1B
                        (4) of the 1998 Act must be made in the claim form; and
                        (b) where the relevant authority is a defendant in the principal proceedings, an
                        application for an order must be made by application notice which must be filed
                        with the defence.
                        (2)   Where the relevant authority becomes aware of the circumstances that led
                              it to apply for an order after its claim is issued or its defence fiied, the
                              application must be made by application notice as soon as possible
                        (3)   Where the application is made by application notice, it should normally be
                              made on notice to the person against whom the order is sought,

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