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refused him access. The Surveyor attended your flat again in the evening
               of the same day following further reports that the water supply to the affected
               flats had completely ceased and you refused him access. You then followed

               him to his car swearing and shouting abuse at him and prevented him from
               entering his car. He then called the police.

              NOTES TO PARAGRAPH 4
              Before the Court will grant an order on any of the Grounds 1 to 8 or 12 to 16, it
              must be satisfied that it is reasonable to require you to leave. This means that,
              if one of these Grounds is set out in paragraph 3 to this Notice, you will be able
              to argue at the hearing in Court that it is not reasonable that you should have
              to leave, even if you accept that the Ground applies.

              Before the court grants an order on any of the Grounds 9 to 16, it must be
              satisfied that there will be suitable alternative accommodation for you when you
              have to leave. This means that the Court will have to decide that, in its opinion,
              there will be other accommodation which is reasonably suitable for the needs
              of you and your family, taking into particular account various factors such as
              the nearness of your place of work, and the sort of housing that other people
              with similar needs are offered. Your new home will have to be let to you on

              another secure tenancy or a private tenancy under the Rent Act of a kind that
              will give you similar security.

              There is no requirement for suitable alternative accommodation where
              Grounds 1 to 8 apply.

            If your landlord is not a local authority, and the local authority gives a certificate
              that it will provide you with suitable accommodation, the Court has to accept
              the certificate.

            One of the requirements of Ground 10A is that the landlord must have approval
              for the redevelopment scheme from the Secretary of State (or, in the case of a
              housing association landlord,  the  Housing Corporation).  The landlord  must
              have  consulted all  secure  tenants  affected by  the  proposed redevelopment

            5.  Court proceedings for possession  of the  dwelling-house can  be begun
                immediately. The date by which the tenant is to give up possession of the
                dwelling-house is Monday the 24th of August 2017.

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