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                                                          intimidated, stalked her and made a life a complete misery. He
                                                          continuously plays loud music, bangs on her ceiling and door
                                                          alleging that she is monitoring his movements in his flat. She
                                                          feels petrified by his presence and as a result refused to leave
                                                          her flat for fear bumping into him on her way out She has
                                                          missed a few appointments with her social worker as a result,
                                                          she has now been subjected to making
                Notes about this person                   home appointments pending the time this matter is
                                                          resolved She explained that they use to be acquaintances
                                                          before the relationship went sour. She believes the whole
                                                          problem started when he claimed the decoration in his flat was
                                                          damaged as a result of a leak coming from her flat. She
                                                          confirmed that she had a leak from her overflow a few months
                                                          ago which has since been repaired but, the damage alleged had
                Appearance                                Male,36 yrs. old. White/Black Caribbean,

              5/10/2016: Threats and intimidation, Date reported: 06/10/2016 Threats and
                intimidation (General)
                Perpetrator has been harassing complainant for a while in relation to alleged noise nuisance. Yesterday
                evening the perpetrator was banging on the ceiling /the complainant lives above perpetrator) and then came
                upstairs and. tried to kick the door in. He was very aggressive, shouting through the door. He then went
                outside, dragged the complainants motorcycle from its parking space and started smashing it up. The police
                were called and the perpetrator was
                a rroctoH

          Referral Details 06/10/2016:
                 Organisation making referral             Housing Anti-Social Behaviour Response Team

          06/10/2016: Contact Complainant, 06/10/2016: Contact Complainant, 06/10/2016: Contact Complainant, 06/10/2016:
                Social worker for George Quinton (complainant) is Blossom Nation (Triangle Hse) 07947 406 733

          10/10/2016: Update Complainant,
                Follow on action from Contact Complainant
          19/10/2016: Update Complainant,
                Follow on action from Contact Complainant

          08/11/2016: Update Complainant,
                Follow on action from Contact Complainant
          21/11/2016: 21/11/2016: 28/11/2016: 29/11/2016:
                Copy of letter sent to Mr Cordell giving him until 25/11/16 to remove the CCTV he installed on the internal
                communal door attached.
                Letter of complaint received from Mr Cordell's mother, copy attached.
          16/12/2016 :11/01/2017:

                I met  with Mr Quinton today at the Civic Centre to discuss his complaints against Mr Simon Cordell. Mr
                Quinton stated that the problems started soon after he moved into the block in April 2016. He

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