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                                                         movements in his flat. She feels petrified by his
                                                         presence and as a result refused to leave her flat for
                                                         fear bumping into him on her way out. She has
                                                         missed a few appointments with her social worker as
                                                         a result, she has now been subjected to making home
                                                         appointments pending the time this matter is resolved.
                                                         She explained that they use to be acquaintance's
                   Notes about this person
                                                         before the relationship went sour. She believes the
                                                         whole problem started when he claimed the
                                                         decoration in his flat was damaged as a result of a
                                                         leak coming from her flat. She confirmed that she had
                                                         a leak from her overflow a few months ago which has
                                                         since been repaired but, the damage alleged had

                   Appearance                            Male,3 5 yrs old.White/Black Caribbean,

               06/07/2016: Making threats,  Date reported : 06/07/2016
                   Making threats
                  The defendant using threatening/abusive/insulting words and behaviour with intent to cause fear -
                  provoke unlawful violence - directed at the victim.

                   From: John Duncan []
                  Sent: 31 October201618:09
                  To: Kaunchita Maudhub
                  Subject: Contact phone number for Mr Stanley Curtis

                  Hi Kaunchita,
                  This is the contact phone number for Stanley Curtis.

                  0787-065 5010
                  As stated, he is partially deaf so may not hear the phone some times.

                  If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call me.

                  Thanks for your help.

                  John Bates

                  From: Kaunchita Maudhub
                  Sent: 03 November 2016 10:13
                  To: Jean Barton
                  Subject:  FW: Contact phone number for Mr Stanley Curtis

                  Dear Jean,

                  We received a phone call from a Mr John Bates on behalf of his friend Mr Stanley Curtis. He
                  explained that Mr Curtis is 83 and having to attend court to give evidence against a male named
                  simon cordell who verbally abused him. We are aware of simon cordell as Steve/Pat obtained an
                  ASBO against him for illegal raves etc. I believe he is also a council tenant (I need to check)

                  Could you initially contact Mr Curtis - obtain his address and the reasons he is going to court. Also
                  ascertain what support he needs.  It is not an open case as such but depending on your findings we

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