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The recent event which took place a week ago. She was on her way out to attend her appointment with her CPN
          when he apprehended her and threatened to kill her. She was pretty shaken from the incident that instead of
          attending her appointment, returned home immediately. She advised that she contacted the police but, wasn't
          taken seriously as they assumed, she was drunk at the time of the call. She advised that she wasn't in the list
          drunk but, just the way she spoke due to her condition. She still wasn't taken seriously and had to abandon the
          She found this very frustrating and advised that it was not the first time this would happen to her. Her CPN also

          confirmed her statement and expressed her dissatisfaction at the way she was treated.
          IMBMBW felt completely let down by the police and became frightful for her safety especially, as she knows the
          perpetrators has shells in his flat.
          I observed in her flat that her floors were very creaky, I was made aware by that most of the fiats in the block are
          like that. Unfortunately, the creakiness exacerbates the noise level in the flats and cause more problems than

          I advised that I will contact the police to make further enquiries. I will also contact MHT to enquire if Mr Cordell is
          known to them. At some point the perpetrator will need to be interviewed and a warning letter issued on him. I
          will contact the repairs team and try to arrange a surveyor to visit her flat and see what assistance can be
          I further advised that her case will be investigated and an officer will get back to her to discuss further with her.
          Her CPN and TMO will be kept informed of updates
          Bola Quadri has already put in place a safe guard alert Thank you
          Dolly Ogunseye Anti-Social Behaviour Office.

          Housing Anti-Social Behaviour Team
          Bumcroft Avenue ENFIELD EN3 7JQ

          Perpetrator Simone Cordell
          109 Burncroft Avenue ENFIELD EN3 7JQ
          Home visit to Ms' A|flat. Attendees Dawn Allen TMO and CPN Bola Quadri Home visit to  advised that her
          neighbour at number 109 has for the past few months
          harassed, intimidated, stalked her and made a life a complete misery. He continuously plays loud music, bangs
          on her ceiling and door alleging that she is monitoring his movements in his flat. She feels petrified by his
          presence and as a result refused to leave her flat for fear bumping into him on her way out. She has missed a
          few appointments with her social worker as a result has now been subjected to making home appointments

          pending the time this matter is resolved.
          She explained that they use to be acquaintances before the relationship went sour. She believes the whole
          problem started when he claimed the decoration in his flat was damaged as a result of a leak coming from her
          flat. She confirmed that she had a leak from her overflow a few months ago which has since been repaired but,
          the damage alleged had occurred.

          Enfield Council Case History Against Me

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