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P. 71

FILE NOTE                       1/6/17

           I telephoned Miss  Wjy  to discuss her complaints against Mr Cordell and agree an action plan,
                          Miss mmm     stated that she has lived in the block since April 2015 and hat the problems with Mr
           Cordell started about a year ago. She stated that he bangs on her door when she is sleeping at night and also
           follows her to her car asking her where is going or where she is coming from. She alleged that on 14th May 2017 Mr
           Cordell came and aggressively banged on her door, shouted abuse and threats at her and falsely accused her of
           making noise inside her flat. She stated that she does not make noise and that her flat is on the opposite side of Mr
           Cordell flat and therefore he should nor hear any noise from her flat. She stated that Mr Cordell came up to her face
           in a very aggressive and intimidating manner to accuse her of coming into his flat to attack him and asking her why
           she comes into his flat. She denied going into flat and stated that he does everything to try and intimidate her.

           She also complained that she feels scared every time she is going out or returning to her flat as Mr Cordell allows
           his dog to run freely inside the block.
           She stated that Mr Cordell has banged on her door about 4 times in the past 2 months. She also alleged that he has
           followed her to her car twice In the past 1 month accusing her of coming into his flat to attack him and also kept
           asking her where she was going or coming from. She alleged that on one occasion, Mr Cordell stood in front of her
           car and will not let her drive away. She stated that he has been verbally aggressive and intimidating but has not
           been physically aggressive towards her. She stated that she suffers from mental illness and that this has
           exacerbated her problems and that she no longer feels safe living in her property. She stated that she has asked her
           neighbourhood officer to. rehouse her as a result of the harassment from Mr Cordell. She stated that she is unable
           to complete incident diaries as a result of her illness but will telephone to report any further incidences. She stated
           that she has reported the matter to the police several times and believes that they are dealing with It. She stated that
           she has been staying with friends and family as she no longer feels safe to stay in her property on her own.

         Enfield Council Case History Against Me
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