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Claim No.

           Section D

                 I object to the claimant issuing under this procedure

                 My reasons for objecting are:

           Section E

                 I intend to rely on written evidence

                 My written evidence:
                     is filed with this form
                     will be filed within 14 days as agreed with the other party(ies). A copy of the written agreement is
                     attached to this form

           Section F

                 Full name of defendant filing
                 this acknowledgment

           Section G

               Signed         *(I believe)(The defendant believes) that the facts stated in  Position or
              (To be signed by  this form are true. *I am duly authorised by the defendant  office held
              you or by your  to sign this statement                (if signing on
              solicitor or                                          behalf of firm
              litigation friend)                                    or company)

                              *delete as appropriate


              Give an                                                          if applicable
              address to
              which notices                                       Ref. no.
              about this case
              can be sent to
              you                                                 fax no.

                                                                  DX no.

                               Tel. no.                           e-mail

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