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From: Lorraine Cordell []
            Sent: 08 August 2013 11:06
            To: 'JOSEPHINE WARD'
            Subject: RE: Simon's case
            Hi Jose

            Simon does not blame you at all he knows you got a lot to do, and knows you do your job he just felt while you
            was away the office did not have a cue on what to do. He just wanted a reply as to what was going on and that
            was not happening. And did not in fact know that Michael Company was not involved in his case he was
            thinking that Michael Company was acting for him so when you went away they could deal with it
            which they did not. Michael also has talked to Simon about this on the phone more then once so is
            aware of this Simon did not like the way in which Michael talked to me or him but the last time he
            talked to Michael that was sorted over the phone.

            Josey we don’t have a problem with you at all. The problem we had was no one was able to deal with
            anything while you were away and that should not be the case the office should be able to deal with
            things if you are not around.


            From: JOSEPHINE WARD []
            Sent: 07 August 2013 22:10
            To: Lorraine Cordell
            Subject: Simon's case

            Hi Lorraine

            Winchester Crown Court

            This case is in the warned list for 29th August 2013.  I am still waiting for Simon to provide witnesses
            who can corroborate the negotiations between Simon and the "seller".

            Woolwich Crown Court

            The main problem in this case is that Simon is unhappy that he is subject to an electronic curfew.  As
            you are aware I did not request a curfew as I knew that this problem would arise.  He was initially
            given a door step curfew but the Judge changed this to an electronic curfew.  This is the preferable
            option as it is a qualifying curfew and counts half a day towards any custodial sentence, if convicted.
            The Judge did state an electronic tag as the clerk checked the tapes for what was said.  The Judge is
            within his rights to do this as he will view this as relieving a burden in terms of man power from the
            police.  I cannot challenge this as it is still a curfew.

            Bail variation:

            Simon has to be realistic in terms of what we can achieve here.  One of my obligations as a solicitor is
            to manage a client's expectations.  I will of course make an application to vary Simon's bail conditions
            but as I stated before I will require emails from Simon from clients requesting that he cover events
            with quotes given by Simon as to how much he will charge.

            The smartest way to attempt to get Simon's bail varied is to ask for certain dates as opposed to lifting
            the curfew altogether as the Judge will not do this.

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