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P. 212

From: Lorraine Cordell []
            Sent: 17 August 2013 16:30
            To: 'JOSEPHINE WARD'
            Subject: RE: Regina v. Simon Cordell
            Hi Josey

            After talking yesterday and saying about the insurance we will need to get the insurance for the building and
            insurance of the contents from anyone who owns or rents the property as I think you will find there is more then
            one insurance for the place, building insurance is something else to contents, and because you got more then
            one person for the property you are going to need all insurance being held by any person.

            Also the guys who said things was taken should be able to do a stock check any real company would be able to
            do this which will show the amount and numbers of items taken on the 16/02/2013 and what he was saying has
            been taken on between the 01/05/2013 to the 08/05/2013 a person cant just say its this amount without listing
            the items taken and numbers and any company should have done a stock check in Feb 2013 when this 1 st
            happened and then again a stock check in May 2013. So far we have no amount of items that have been taken
            just saying it’s the amount he has said and that don’t add up.

            Also looking on the LI­Lo Orders there Venice chairs are not listed on the order invoices he has given, the only
            item there is the Harrogate Gazebo, but he is saying in his statement that beds, trampolines, so where is the
            invoice for these items.

            There has got to be a list of how many items were taken he can’t just guess the total amount so has to know the
            items and numbers that where taken on both dates.

            Also on the land registry is this listed as one unit the reason I have asked this is the way the main section is to
            enter the building there does seem to be only one main section the other side may have been added after to
            make the unit to make it into 3 units. If this is the case and it was 1 unit to start with has planning permission
            been granted for the unit to be made into 3 units?


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