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7/31/2017                                             Print

            Subject: FW: Regina v. Simon Cordell for PCMH at Woolwich Crown Court on 4th September 2013
            From:    Lorraine Cordell (

            Date:    Wednesday, 11 December 2013, 22:13

           From: JOSEPHINE WARD []
           Sent: 14 August 2013 18:12
           To: too smooth; Lorraine Cordell;
           Subject: Regina v. Simon Cordell for PCMH at Woolwich Crown Court on 4th September 2013


           I have now read through all your case papers, interview transcript and unused material.

           Areas for discussion:

           1.  Premises - need full address of where the rave took place

           2. Any emails / facebook notification of the rave / booking your sound system for the party / any invoices given
           to the people hosting the party

           3.  Full contact details for Mohammed in order that I can take a statement confirming the sale to you

           4.  Receipt that Mohammed gave you, presumably this itemises the goods sold and date of purchase by you - pg
           of your interview you make reference to leaving with your sound system and then being offered a job lot of
           chairs - need specifics on this see 5 below. Please also read your bottom page 20 of your ROTI "I bought it of
           the person who put the 144 notice on both of them premises that was living there and was a registered squatter to
           them buildings.  What made you believe that Mohammed had a right to the property?  Where did he tell you he
           got the property from?

           5.  I need confirmation of the date you purchased the items; the location where the sale took place

           6.  What made you believe that both premises were linked?  For all intents and purposes they appear to be
           separate buildings and entry to Unit 3 appears to have been gained through a hole in the wall not a natural
           doorway.  This is criminal damage and therefore illegal.

           7.  Confirmation of where the Notices were displayed. Any photographs from the rave to back this up would be
           very useful

           8.  Neighbours who can confirm the date the gazebo was erected

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