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P. 205

8/1/2017                                             Print

            Subject: pls read
            From:    Lorraine Cordell (

            Date:    Wednesday, 24 May 2017, 13:54


           Look I am trying to address this but you wont here what I am saying.

           From the start of this case Josie dealt with it totally wrong I think you and I agree on that.

           But what has never been addressed in this whole case is all the police's statements they are what is

           hurting you we have addressed the cads but we have allowed the police to get away with what they've put

           in each of their statements this needs to be addressed we need to point and the lies within them as there has
           never been done well not in black-and-white each statement needs to be ripped apart.

           You seem to think is only about the lies in the cads but when the police offices standing up with the statement
           he's written how can you question that if it's not in black-and-white in your file.

           There is multiple points that needs to be addressed, in a judicial review it's not a new trial it's where they have breached
           the law

           you are trying to admit things that is evidenced to the case when what you should be looking at is the law that has been

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