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From: Tara Stewart­Milne [tara.stewart­]
           Sent: 07 March 2017 09:45
           To: 'Lorraine Cordell'
           Subject: RE: IPCC Inv Appeal­ Your ref: 2015/049718

           Attachments: Accessing information about yourself.pdf
           Dear Ms Cordell,

           I have not yet reviewed all of the case information and so I would not like to comment at this time on why
           certain information has not been shared with you. Please be assured I will consider this as part of the appeal.

           In relation to providing you with copies of the information we hold on file, you would need to submit a
           subject access request to our FOI/DPA team. I have attached some information explaining how you can
           request this information from us.

           Kind Regards,


           From: Lorraine Cordell []
           Sent: 07 March 2017 09:27
           To: Tara Stewart‐Milne <tara.stewart‐>
           Subject: RE: IPCC Inv Appeal‐ Your ref: 2015/049718

           Dear Tara Stewart­Milne

           Thank you for the reply, I do know the IPCC has no power to compel police to hand over the information
           regarding my the subject access requests that have been submitted to them and I will take this up with the ICO
           if they don't, I also may take this up with the courts, our family has had enough over the last 23 years with what
           the police are doing to us, its gone way past the point, that the police can say they are just doing there job.

           But the DPS has put in there report for this complaint they are using other information, why cant we see that
           information? why does the police feel the need to hide information regarding a complaint? I feel we have the right
           to see the information, as it all runs within this complaint, and hiding it from us only shows to me they are
           covering up what the police done, like they have done for years.

           I am not sure if you can forward us the information that the DPS and police have used, but I feel we should be
           able to see it, as I feel that without us being able to see it, we can not fully deal with this complaint, as we
           should be able to do, as i feel it will only highlight more information that the police done wrong.


           Lorraine Cordell

           From: Tara Stewart­Milne [mailto:tara.stewart­]
           Sent: 07 March 2017 08:13
           To: 'Lorraine Cordell'
           Subject: RE: IPCC Inv Appeal­ Your ref: 2015/049718

           Good Morning Ms Cordell,

           I just wanted to confirm I have received your three emails with attachments.

           I am sorry to hear you are experiencing difficulties accessing information held about you and your family by
           the MPS. The IPCC have no power to compel police forces to share information under the Data Protection Act.
           If MPS have not responded to your subject access request appropriately and/or on time, please contact the
           Information Commissioner’s Officer (ICO). They can be contacted by phone on 0303 123 1113 or by email at

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