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Kind Regards

          Lemmy Nwabuisi
          Anti‐Social Behaviour Team
          Community Safety Unit
          Environmental & Community Safety
          B Block North
          Civic Centre
          EN1 3XA
          Tel: 020 8379 5354

          From: Lemmy Nwabuisi
          Sent: 10 February 2017 16:01
          To: 'Lorraine Cordell' <>
          Subject: RE: Anti‐Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

          Classification: OFFICIAL

          Dear Ms Cordell,

          Please see below as requested the details of recent allegations made against Mr Simon Cordell. I have listed
          the complainants as Complainant A, B and C.

              1.       On 6  August 2016 Complainant A reported that Simon Cordell, his neighbour at flat 109 is
                 threatening him and his wife and aggressively demanding money from him. He alleged that Mr
                 Cordell called his wife ‘a bitch’ and tried to stop him from going up the stairs to his flat. He also
                 alleged that in July 2016, someone used a knife to puncture his tyres, all 4 of them, that he believes
                 that the tyres were slashed by Simon, that although he did not see Simon do it but he was quite
                 certain that it was him. He also alleged that Mr Cordell damaged the lock to his electric cupboard and
                 removed his fuse box resulting in no electricity.

              2.       On 5  October 2016 Complainant B reported that Mr Cordell has been harassing him for a while in
                 relation to alleged noise disturbances from his flat. He alleged that the previous day on 4/10/16,
                 Simon was banging on his ceiling and later came upstairs and started kicking his door and shouting
                 aggressively.  He alleged that Simon then went downstairs dragged his motorbike from where he
                 parked it and started smashing it up. He then called the police. He also stated that Mr Cordell had
                 previously slashed his motorbike tyres with a knife, that he did not report it as he did not see him do

              3.       On 31  October 2016 telephone call received from another resident on behalf of Complainant C. He
                 alleged that Complainant C’s neighbour, Simon was using threatening, abusive and insulting words
                 towards Complainant C. He stated that he witnessed an incident that happened in September 2016
                 outside the block when Simon shouted abuse at Complainant C and made threats towards him.

              4.       On 4  November 2016 met with Complainant C to discuss his concerns following the report from
                 another resident. He stated the first incident happened sometime in July 2016, that he cannot
                 remember the exact date. He alleged that he was approached by Mr Cordell as he came out of his
                 front door and he started shouting abuse at him and threatened to burn down his flat. He alleged that
                 the second incident happened in September 2016. He stated that he was on his way to meet a friend
                 when Mr Cordell came at him ‘ranting and raving’ and said to him ‘I can get you over at the park, I
                 know you go for a walk’. He stated that two other neighbours witnessed the incident and that one of
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