Page 20 - 2. 2013 New 26-05-21 No Table
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at Ellesmore Road when the police stopped my van outside my friends.
                 Ellesmore Road is a house on a housing estate. I do not see how this is relevant
                 to proceedings for an anti-social behaviour order; in addition, the prosecution
                 offered no evidence in respect of the charges that were brought even though
                 they were reliant on police witnesses. I had been wrongfully arrested for not
                 having insurance when I was insured to drive. I did not cause any Anti-Social
                 Behaviour on the 7th April 2013.
                 It is alleged that I was looking for venues in which illegal raves could be held
                 on 24th May 2013. I dispute this. I had been contacted by a friend called Joshua
                 who was living at 204 High Street Ponders End EN3 4EZ known as the Old
                 Police Station at Ponders End. As I was driving towards 204 High Street I was
                 stopped by members of the police. I consented to having my person and my car
                 searched; however, I had not done anything wrong and nothing was found. I
                 dispute making any comments about being able to attract people to illegal raves
                 and illegal 3-day events. I did not cause any Anti-Social Behaviour on the 24th
                 May 2013
                 In respect of evidence raised concerning an event at Hyde Park on 20th April
                 2014; I was hired by to attend the event. I was told it was legal,
                 and I was hired on a dry hire basis. I was doing the job on a ‘no profit’ basis,
                 and this was because the person who hired me had been let down by someone
                 else. Members of the police told me at the event that I had not been hired by the
                 organisers of the event, and that I was not supposed to be there. I had been hired
                 by normal-, and I had been told that this was a licensed event. I took the
                 police at their word, and I did not use my equipment on that day. I exhibit proof
                 that I was hired as exhibit SC/16 I did not cause any Anti-Social Behaviour on
                 the 20th April 2014.
                 In respect of my presence at Unit 5 St George’s Industrial Estate, White Hart
                 Lane on 25th May2014. I attended a commercial building that the occupiers
                 were residing in having displayed s144 LASPO notices and in turn treating the
                 premises as their home. There was no music played. I was not involved in the
                 organisation of an illegal rave of any sort. I did drive there in my van VRM
                 CX52JRZ, and I accept that I had 2 speakers in the van; however, I did not have
                 a full sound system with me. I was using my van for storage. I had my van
                 searched by members of the police, nothing was seized, and I went home I did
                 not cause any anti-social behaviour on the 25th May 2014.
                 In respect of the 06th June 2014 at an occupied Warehouse on Progress Way in
                 Enfield; I do not accept that I was present at this warehouse on that date. I was
                 with a friend at my house on this date and attended my mother’s house Lorraine
                 Cordell my sister was present D Benjamin and
                 Witnessed By

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