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gave his details as Simon CORDELL. Vehicle had
                 been driven onto park roads within Hyde Park and was
                 asked to leave prior to large numbers attending the
                 event. He did so but will be one to watch out for next
                 year should this vehicle return to the park for next
                 year's event.
                 Ref: PKRT00056539. PC BROWNE.
                 9.     On 24th May 2013 at about 2030 hours Police
                 responded to reports of a suspect on at the Old Ponders
                 End Police Station. On Arrival Police contained the
                 area. Simon CORDELL was seen exiting an alleyway
                 to the side of the Police station at the rear of the
                 Kinder Garden Centre. In the car park to the rear of the
                 premises was a Silver Ford Focus MA57LDY. Whilst
                 waiting to gain access Joshua HOLLY-FIELD popped
                 his head over the boarding to the premises and climbed
                 over on Police request. He was detained and searched
                 with nothing found on his person. When asked why he
                 was in the ground of the premises he stated "'Squatters
                 rights', I haven't done anything wrong, you can speak
                 to my lawyer who is with your colleagues round the
                 front". This lawyer turned out to be Simon CORDELL.
                 Whilst officers checked for signs of break-ins it was
                 established through HOLLY-FIELD that they were
                 looking for a place to set up rave over the bank holiday
                 period. The Focus was searched in the presence of
                 CORDELL as it smelt strongly of cannabis with a
                 negative result. CORDELL stated that when he sets up
                 rave’s he attracts in excess of 500 people over a 3-day
                 period. CORDELL is planning to set up a rave and
                 actively looking for the premises.
                 Ref: YERT00360430, PC JACKSON.
                 10.    Criss 4208625/13 - Relates to a public order
                 matter. On 7th April 2013, Police were called to
                 Ellesmere Street E14 where an informant had seen a
                 group of males load a flat screen TV into the rear of a
                 white Ford Transit panel van VRM CX52JRX. The
                 informant was a local resident and was particularly
                 concerned as her neighbour had been recently burgled.
                 The vehicle was in Ellesmere Street junction of Upper
                 North Street there could see there were 4 males sat in
                 the front cab. The person in the driving seat was a light
                 skinned IC3 male. Police parked behind the van and
                 PC ASTON got out of the car to get around to the van.
                 PC SCOTT

                 Signature……………...      Signature Witnesses by: …

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