Page 275 - 4. 2014 2nd half New 26-05-21 No Table
P. 275

I continued to sleep over at my new partners a lot more in the summer and the date had come
               up to the
               23 August 2014,
               this date is easy to remember because Notting Hill carnival took place. Me and my partner
               got told by the clinic of the news and stayed in over the weekend together. In the background
               of all these things taking place, I arranged for two other events to occur. The first being that
               my father asked if he could use my flat to stay in over the weekend as he always took my
               Neisse to the carnival, and he was in the middle of transferring, from where he prior been
               living at the time and in me letting them stay at my flat for the weekend this would help him,
               I agreed by saying yes to his request of me. The second reason being is that, I arranged for a
               friend to collect an amount of nitrous oxide of me that I had been selling. I gave the keys to
               my flat and half of the agreed stock on bail to the relevant people a couple of days in advance
               of the carnival taking place. Then at the same time I also agreed that I could deliver more
               stock to the person who had taken the nitrous oxide of me on his payment that would take
               place at the day of the advised adult’s part of the carnival, taking place, as he told me that he
               would be there. Due to the issues in my relationship I decide not to avoid answering the
               phone to people from the day prior to the carnival starting, as we both decided together to
               relax indoors, at her home. After a multitude of missed calls, I answered my mobile phone
               messages, on the Adults day of the carnival starting, when I read a text saying I am going to
               your house to get the stock from the day before, in knowing that I had not been at home but
               my dad had I gave him a phone call. He picked the phone up to me and after the normal hello
               to each other I asked him did anyone come to my home while he was there. The answer was,
               Yes; and then I asked the next question to him; did they take anything; he replied yes; Next to
               come was the last of the questions that I ask my father; did they leave any money; I heard the
               reply of; no, so I took a deep breath and carried on, absolutely, mad in silence; My dad got
               upset with me and told me that it had been my friend who he sees me with all the time and
               that he thought that this would help me by being what he thought I requested to happen. The
               second the mobile phone got put down, I spoke with my partner and explained what just
               happened, while I tried to call my friend/ client, who never picked up the phone, calls that I
               continued to make and consecutively, I and my partner both together put our coats on and I
               grabbed the car keys, we were off to the carnival. We took a little while to get there even with
               me travelling within the legal speed limit, but we still soon arrived as close as possible to the
               carnival. I and my partner both started our search for our friends/ clients at that moment in
               time on our feet together; this got done once we could not drive any closer, towards the event
               due to the crowds. The truth, what can I say apart from, well me and my partner where good
               at tracking our friends down together, and we both done this as a team in a superb time frame.
               Upset as most people would be, I requested the stock back and payment for the first package
               and what had gotten used out of the extra taken from my home. By this time, I got a lot more
               upset than needed and found myself in the middle of the carnival with my partner and a load
               of stock. In looking around for a way of carriage I noticed a wheelie dustbin that had been
               lying on its side and checked the condition that it got left in. It got left clean, and it was
               available for our use.
               We filled up and covered the lid the best that we could. Travelling back towards the car, we
               enjoyed the carnival, but still with the concern of carry a black wheelie bin around the streets,
               I cannot remember who noticed them first I bet her; but anyway, we bumped into some
               friends of ours, I can’t remember what happened for a little while because when I looked at
               my watch the time had disappeared. The streets were slowly starting to empty, and I still had
               a big black wheelie bin with me, so I see officers that I met before and approached them and
               asked what the best way back to the car was. After working everything out with the police I
               turned around at the group of friends waiting and it had grown, I knew that it would be best to
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