Page 23 - 2015 2nd Half No Table
P. 23

assailed by the occupiers of 117 and 113 Burncroft Avenue by them banging and jumping
               above my head with malefactor intent!
               I keep getting Disrespected by the occupiers of 113 – 117 and 111 slamming their water taps
               on and off at a fast rate for hours at a time and cannot get any rest or do any studying in this
               rented flat and the council and police will; not protect me when I call or email them asking
               them to, I continue to record the evidence in audio and video!

               My Heart has really started to hurt me every day, I am having an early aged mild heart
               attacks because of what the Mathiyalagan family stain and Debra with the police and local
               council members are getting away with each day holding me hostage with no first hand
               witness and the estate members flushing the toilet attacking me when I am in the bathtub and
               getting undressed all so playing with the water taps and banging above my head damaging
               my work studies and private family life and making me a Vulnerable  person!
               I have also had a lot of problems with eating because of what they keep all doing to me!
               My dog has eating its paws because of what 113 – 117 and 111 are getting away with I have
               taken pictures of the damage this is doing to us in this flat!

               I will be lucky to have any good health left in the near on future of my life because as each
               day goes by my lugs suffer with bad Health that bit more at mo. fault of my own and my
               breathing can no longer take the torture that occurs down to by the Enfield Council and the
               Enfield Homes teams neglecting their stationery duties of care!

               Time Spent Building.
               In the background of everything going I continued working on Creating a new and up to date
               Event Campsite Policy and Possible Site plans and I continued to Study and finish at the
               Time Start: 07:00Am and Time End: 03:30 Pm!
               My mother also continues to work on building my company website for me with others at the
               Time Start: 09:00 and Time End: 14:00!

               Working at Home doing Court Case Defense Work!
               I spent time and resources costing expenditure with my mother also building my defence
               case, against the allegations getting put against me at the Time Start: 12:00 Am and Time
               End: 06:00 Am!


                                               The Banging Continued: -
                                     INTERIM CONDITIONS GOT GRANTED
                                             Helping the Community Hall
                Police lied and said that I got served the Asbo folder, so I got placed on an Injunction
                                    Building my Court Case Defence for the Asbo!
                                           Building the catalogue with Josh!
                                            Issues with Housing Disrepair!
                                               Working on My Website!

               •  Disrepair!
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