Page 279 - Pages from 8. 2017 New 26-05-21 No Table 1st Half
P. 279

               Miss L Cordell

               The banging Started!
               Flat – 113 – George Quinton moved in!
               Stain Curtis (responsible)
               Mathiyalagan (Responsible)
               All Morning: --
               Mid-Day: --
               In the Evening and of the Night!
               The Enfield Council and the Enfield Homes employees aloud the original occupants of 117
               and 111 Burncroft Avenue inclusive of the new tent in 113 - who is name George Quinton
               Continued to victimizing me by: --
               The occupiers of 117 woke me up by attacking me on purpose by stamping and dropping
               articles above my head!
               Then 113 and 117 tenants kept on Continually, reiterating to flushing the toilet when I went
               into the bathroom, so to be sick in my toilet because they made me ill!
               They all mentioned in the addresses of 111 Burncroft Avenue keep making me unsafe in my
               own home and dropping articles on to their own wooden flooring to make loud banging
               noises while slamming the taps on and off at an un president rate!
               113 - 117 and 111 today kept on Banging with objects onto the internal main buildings walls
               and floors, so to intimidate surely me and maybe others living close by whom maybe present
               to an extent only worthwhile for the perpetrators selfless glory, In them perpetrators knowing
               that their behaviour would only leave all those getting victimized towards getting left by their
               wrongful actions as to being put into a state of a mental health patient and not rightfully with
               this occurring within mine and their rented or paid for homes!
               The occupiers of 117 the Mathiyalagan family and also Stain Curtis off 111 Burncroft
               Avenue continue Slamming the water tap on and off, and now with George Quinton also
               involved I continue to document their Hate Crime towards me and report it to the relevant
               persons without any fair prosses of support and this is causing damage too my health and the
               buildings fixtures at an unacceptable rate!
               They all mentioned in the addresses of 113 and 117 Burncroft Avenue keep Dropping articles
               on to their own wooden flooring to make loud banging noises all day and night towards me
               and the floor has not gotten fixed correctly in the address of 113 after Debra Andrews moved
               out, making me still suffer as George has taken over!
               117 - 113 and 111 Slamming the main, communal entrance door closed!
               Stain will not stop banging on the kitchen wall with intent of victimising me on a full 4-hour
               assault in collaboration with the other named in the address of 113 and 117!

               Si Note:

               My Heart has really started to hurt me every day, I am having an early aged mild heart
               attacks because of what Debra Andrews and the Mathiyalagan Markandu family as well as
               stain Curtis and George Quinton get and got away with, inclusively of what the police and
               local council members are getting away with each day by holding me hostage with no first
               hand witness and then on allowing my estate members to carry out their hate crime in a cover
               up to send me crazy or to an early death by flushing the toilet below me and bagging at me
               causing me sufferings and no peace also letting the named attack me when I am in the
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