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The Enfield Councils History FOI Indexed
               Stanley Curtis
               Enfield Council Case History
               Page Number: 35,36,37,38, 39,40
               B) 06/07/2016
               C) 31/10/2016
               D) 31/10/2016
               E) 03/11/2016
               F) 24/01/2017

                 The Enfield Councils History
                 FOI Indexed

                 06/07/2016: Making threats, Date reported: 06/07/2016; Making threats Elderly. The
                 defendant using threatening/abusive/insulting words and behaviour with intent to cause
                 fear - provoke unlawful violence - directed at the victim.
                 31/10/2016: From: John Duncan
                 Sent: 31 October 2016 18:09
                 To: Kaunchita Maudhub
                 Subject: Contact phone number for Mr Stanley Curtis
                 Hi Kaunchita,
                 This is the contact phone number for Stanley Curtis.
                 As stated, he is partially deaf so may not hear the phone some times. If I can be of further
                 assistance, please do not hesitate to call me.
                 Thanks for your help.
                 John Bates
                 31/10/2016: “Same as above”
                 03/11/2016: From: Kaunchita Maudhub
                 Sent: 03 November 2016 10:13
                 To: Jean Barton
                 Subject: FW: Contact phone number for Mr Stanley Curtis
                 Dear Jean,
                 We received a phone call from a Mr John Bates on behalf of his friend Mr Stanley Curtis.
                 He explained that Mr Curtis is 83 and having to attend court to give evidence against a
                 male named Simon Cordell who verbally abused him. We are aware of Simon Cordell as
                 Steve/Pat obtained an ASBO against him for illegal raves etc. I believe he is also a council
                 tenant (I need to check)
                 Could you initially contact Mr Curtis - obtain his address and the reasons he is going to
                 court? Also ascertain what support he needs. It is not an open case as such but depending
                 on your findings we
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                 not may be able to assist.
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