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P. 349

2016 you aggressively-    2.  Particulars of Breaches (6)
                        banged on a               Reply:
                        neighbour’s door and      “My Note: This was said in the
                        threatened and shouted    meeting between Sarah Fletcher
                        verbal abuse ' and swear  and the Mathiyalagans on the
                        words at It is also  11/11/2016”
                        alleged that you          While I was staying at my mother’s
                        aggressively demanded     on bail conditions.
                        money from him.

                        (7)                       1. Particulars of Breaches (7)
                        We received a report      Reply:
                        that on 4th October
                        2016 you aggressively     2.  Particulars of Breaches (7)
                        banged on your ceiling    Reply:
                        and accused one of your  The 1st Injunction Order
                        neighbours of making      Page Number: 223
                        noise, it is - alleged that  Claim Number: D02ED073 –
                        you then went to your     “WITNESS STATEMENT OF
                        neighbour’s flat and      MR LEMMY NWABUISI” –
                        started kicking and '     Dated: 07/08/2017
                        banging on his front
                        door aggressively,        The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue:
                        accused him of banging    04
                        on the floor and was      Page Numbers: 702,703,704,705
                        swearing and shouting     RE: Formal Complaint dated 24/11
                        abuse at him. It is also   /2016
                        alleged that you later    To Whom It May Concern:
                        went downstairs,
                        dragged your              And my diary
                        neighbour’s motorbike
                        from where it was         Re bailed to find out the truth
                        parked and started to hit  Carron Dunno!
                        it with a piece of wood   Arrest
                        thereby causing some      Arrest/Summons Ref:
                        damage to the             16/01YE/01/3890G
                        motorbike.                Name Charged: CORDELL,
                                                  Date of Birth: 26/01/81
                                                  Fingerprint Status:
                                                  CONFIRMED 01FP 05/10/16
                                                  DNA Status: NOT TAKEN
                                                  Process Stage: ARRESTED ON
                                                  04/10/16 13:07
                                                  Arresting Officer: 01YE 05/10/16
                                                  / CAMPBELL/PC/205732
                                                  Report Owner: 01
                                                  (METROPOLITAN POLICE)
                                                  Prosecuting Agent: CROWN
                                                  PROSECUTION SERVICE (CPS)
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