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the Defendant’s anti-social behaviour has ceased towards the neighbors and no
                   complaints have not been received from them. Stated by council solicitor on the:

               •  The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue:
                   828. Jamie.Newman@met.pnn.police_ (5) / Page Numbers:


               The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue:
               828. Jamie.Newman@met.pnn.police_ (5)
               / Page Numbers: 3450,3451,3452,3453,3454,3455,3456,3457,
               Sent: 26 September 2017 08:33
               Subject: RE: Our meeting today.
               Morning Lorraine,
               Thanks for your reply, appreciated. You’re right, we don’t know for sure that he has not
               received the letter, even if he had moved, he may have had his post re‐directed etc. I had
               considered contacting him at his workplace and is stands it does seem like the most efficient
               way to proceed. I shall discuss the matter with my inspector and revert to you with a decision.
               Speak soon
               Jamie Newman | Serious Misconduct Investigation Unit (SMIU) | Directorate of Professional
               Standards |
               Met Phone 786675
               Telephone 0207 161 6675
               Address Empress State Building, 22nd Floor, Lillie Road, London, SW6 1TR
               'Setting the bar and upholding standards without fear or favour’
               From: Lorraine Cordell [mailto:]
               Sent: 24 September 2017 15:52
               To: Newman Jamie M ‐ HQ Directorate of Professional Standards
               Subject: RE: Our meeting today.
               Hello Jamie
               Maybe you can send to his work email I believe this is his work email address
               well that's what it says when I do a Google search on his name. Maybe you could also get a
               phone number for him there not sure; but if you sent to his work email you would know he
               got it or if you called and was able to talk to him you would know if he even wanted to help
               in this, Maybe he has had the letters but know he does not need to help if he does not want to,
               maybe send someone round to the address you have. This is just some ideas not sure if you
               can use them.
               Lorraine Cordell
               From: [mailto:]
               Sent: 22 September 2017 16:35
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