Page 314 - Pages from 8. 2017 New 26-05-21 No Table- 3rd Half
P. 314

1SI Injunction Order Stage “FINISHED”

                                                     Ambrose Tariq
                                               The Banging Continued: -
                                  Issues with My Neighbours and Housing Disrepair!
                            Ozzie, Ambrose Tariqm, Stain and the Mathiyalagan and Co =
                                      Working on the Court Case’s / My Defence!
                 The Anti-Social Behaviour Order Case and the Verdict got made Guilty against me in
                             error and the conditions got imposed against me till late 2020!

               •  Disrepair!
               •  The Asbo Order got granted in Error with Full Conditions against me and Fraudulently!
               •  The banging Continued at me!
               •  Working at home!

               •  Since:
                   the Defendant’s anti-social behaviour has ceased towards the neighbors and no
                   complaints have not been received from them. Stated by council solicitor on the:


               The banging Started!

               They banging loud and hard while at a fast continual rate with objects onto the internal main
               buildings walls and floors, so to intimidate surely me and maybe others living close by whom
               maybe present to an extent only worthwhile for the perpetrators selfless glory, In them
               perpetrators knowing that their behaviour would only leave all those getting victimized
               towards getting left by their wrongful actions as to being put into a state of a mental health
               patient and not rightfully with this occurring within mine and their rented or paid for homes!

               I continue to get extra costs and expenses because of the damp and heating issues in my flat
               and the lack of due diligence towards rectifying the problems on the Enfield Councils and the
               Enfield Homes departments side of the agreement!

               Time Spent Building.
               In the back ground of everything going on I could no longer work on my first company Too
               Smooth due to the amount of time I had to put toward s defending myself.
               My mother Stopped working on my website

               Working at Home doing Court Case Defense Work!
               I spent time and recourses costing expenditure building my defence case alongside my
               mother’s commitments against the allegations getting put against me at the Time Start: 00:00
               and Time End: 00:00
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