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                 My Ref: Your Ref: LS/C/LI/155584
                 Date: 28 February 2018
                 Dear Mr Cordell,
                 Re: The London Borough of Enfield v Cordell
                 Claim number: E00ED049
                 We have been advised by one of your neighbours
                 that you attempted to harass and intimidate him
                 and his family, yesterday around 11,30pm by
                 standing right by his door and interfering with his
                 letter box. We have been advised that as he
                 opened the door and saw you at his doorstep, you
                 ran down the stairs. This Behaviour  is not
                 acceptable and represents a breach of the interim
                 injunction order dated
                 09th January 2018
                 which specifically prevents you from harassing
                 and intimidating your neighbours. We have to
                 inform you that as a result of your conduct, we
                 will be contacting the police and will advise them
                 of the incident. We would also like to warn you
                 that should further incidents of this nature were to
                 occur again; we will be making an urgent
                 application for your committal at the County
                 Court without notice. However, we hope that such
                 measures will not be necessary and that you will
                 continue to comply with the terms of the interim
                 injunction order.
                 Yours sincerely,
                 Ludmilla lyavoo Lawyer
                 For the Director of Law and Governance
                 Jeremy Chambers Director of Law &
                 Enfield Council
                 Civic Centre, Silver Street
                 Enfield EN13XY

               The 2nd Injunction Order / Lemmy / pub Book Issue: 1!
               2 Injunction Order Application Notice/ Page Numbers: p 3 to 6 + New Pages:
               Updated 25/04/2018 by Hand Post into My Letter Box!
               Date Top: 20/04/2018
               Dated Bottom: 19/04/2018
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