Page 95 - 10. 2nd half 2018 New 26-05-21 No Table
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with people. He agreed to a home visit next week. The home visit is with EIS Amal
               Originator: HAGUE, Angela 19 Jun 2018,13:57 [ Nursing]
               Telephone call from Simon's mother Lorraine Cordell. Sounded tearful on the phone,
               reported that she has spoken with Simon and he told her that we went to see him today,
               myself and Amal. Said that he told her that the appointment went well and that we had told
               him there is nothing mentally wrong with him, that he does not need psychiatric services
               and is well. Says she is finding it distressing, very worried about her son as she believes, and
               everyone else can see that her son is ill. Said he is struggling to cope, not leaving the house,
               feels persecuted by his neighbours. Not managing the court case well. Believes that the has
               lost trust in services and feels he needs to build trust with professionals again.
               Reported that when she was in court the information that was given was that her son had
               PTSD and was discharged form services, believes it was inaccurate and did not know where
               the information came from, though perhaps it was lain Williams as he had around the same
               time called to speak to Simon about his referral.
               Discussed that we would need Simons consent to discuss his case. Reported that her mother
               suffered with schizophrenia and she has a lot of experience around people who have mental
               illness not believing they have a mental health problem and don't require treatment. Says
               she is happy to encourage her son to engage with services as far as possible.
               Originator: HAGUE, Angela 19 Jun 2018,14:33 [ Nursing]
               Home visit today as arranged with Amal Pomphrey from EIS. Client previously under EIS
               from 2015 discharged in January this year, difficult to engage. History well known so not
               Simon was friendly and welcoming into his home. Put his pet dog outside in the garden,
               visible through patio doors. Dog appeared in good health though Simon reported that his
               dog is stressed about his neighbours the police and mental health services to the point it has
               chewed some of the fur off his front paws.
               Simon stood for some time keen to talk about the evidence he has gathered against the
               police, and local authority, has taped and logged everything on a website. Showed his
               website says not live as yet, all he has to do is click a button and it will show how he has
               been unfairly treated by the local authority and police. Website and all written video and
               audio recordings linked.
               Showed a couple of examples CCTV inside his flat, conversation with ASBO team and written
               documents. Also showed us paper files that the has maintained in large ring binders,
               containing copies of e-mails and all correspondence. Informed us that he tapes all
               conversations he has with health, local authority and police staff. Has CCTV cameras placed
               internally and externally around his flat?
               Spoke of how his issues began many years ago trouble with the police over holding illegal
               parties. Reported that he is currently not going out feels afraid. No restrictions placed on
               him regarding going out other than not allowed in Industrial areas or 24-hour venues such
               as MacDonald’s or Tesco’s. Reported recently in court with regards to his neighbour,
               representing himself does not feel he needs a solicitor. Recommendation is that he has an
               assessment with a psychiatrist. However, said he will not attend as the letter has not been
               properly dated and stamped and therefore believes he is not bound by it.
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