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knew what time she went out and what time she returned and to tell her husband that the
                   Defendant would like to speak to him.
               •  On 23rd June 2017 at 23:35hrs it is alleged that the Defendant came out of his flat with
                   his dog without a lead and attacked one of his neighbours as he returned from work by
                   punching him twice on the chest. The Defendant tried to push him out of the block and
                   snatched his phone as he took it out of his pocket to record the incident.
               •  On 28th June 2017 at 11:45hrs it is alleged that the Defendant confronted his neighbour
                   as she was leaving the block. The Defendant swore and shouted abuse at her and accused
                   her of making noise inside her flat. The Defendant told her that he knows all her personal
                   details and that of her husband including their full names, phone numbers, date of birth
                   and banking details. The Defendant demanded that they pay him some money and asked
                   her to tell her husband to come and see him.
               •  On 30th June 2017 at 11:45hrs it is alleged that the Defendant confronted his neighbour
                   as she was leaving the block and accused her of slamming
                       the door. She denied slamming the door and the Defendant called her a liar and
                       proceeded to swear and shout abuse at her.
               •  On 2nd July 2017 at 17:18hrs it is alleged that the Defendant confronted his neighbour as
                   he was going out with his family with his dog barking and without a lead. The Defendant
                   asked him when he was going to hand over the money. It is also alleged that as they left
                   the block, the Defendant ran after them swearing and shouting abuse at his neighbour and
                   demanding that he must pay him some money if he wants the Defendant to leave him
                   alone. The Defendant also said to him that he has all their personal details including their
                   dates of birth and bank details.
               •  On 12th July 2017 an Enfield Council Surveyor attended the Defendant flat to investigate
                   reports of low water pressure to flats above his, but he refused him access. The Surveyor
                   attended the Defendant flat again in the evening of the same day following further reports
                   that the water supply to the affected flats had completely ceased and the Defendant
                   refused him access. The Defendant then followed him to his car swearing and shouting
                   abuse at him and prevented him from entering his car. The Surveyor then called the
               •  On 11th November 2017 at 11.30am, it is alleged by one of his neighbours that the
                   Defendant came to their front door, opened the letterbox, and peeped through it to see
                   who was inside the flat. The Defendant then started swearing and shouting abuse and
                   banging on their front door as soon as he saw the neighbour’s wife.
               •  On 2nd January 2018 at 6.30pm, it is alleged that the Defendant stood outside his
                   neighbour’s property for more than twenty minutes swearing and shouting abuse. The
                   Defendant went away and returned half an hour later, lifted their letterbox, stuck his
                   mobile phone through the letterbox and started to record his neighbour’s family while
                   swearing and shouting abuse. This went on for about fifteen minutes.
               •  On 9th January 2018 at about 12.18pm, the Defendant telephoned Lemmy Nwabuisi
                   (ASB Behaviour officer) and accused him of forging documents to get an anti-social
                   behaviour order against him. The Defendant further told him that he had made him a
                   prisoner within his home. The Defendant stated that he knows where he lives in Enfield
                   and that he and his family were not safe from him. The Defendant told Lemmy Nwabuisi
                   that he would watch him leave the office and he would have followed him home and he
                   needed to watch his back. The Defendant called the ASB officer again 30 minutes later
                   and told him that he knows he has a flat in Edmonton and also know that one of his
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