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               UPON hearing Solicitor for the Claimant and Defendant, the Defendant’s mother, the
               Defendant’s uncle, and the Defendant not attending.
               UPON the Court reviewing the psychiatrist report of Dr Dhinakaran dated 08 July 2018
               confirming that the Defendant lacks capacity to litigate and/or capacity to understand the
               terms of the injunction order made on 09 January 2018.
               UPON Mr Cordell’s mother, Miss Lorraine Cordell, confirming that she will engage with the
               Claimant and assist Mr Cordell neighbourhood officer in making a housing management
               transfer application on or before 16 August 2018.
               UPON the Claimant agreeing that it will deal with the housing management transfer
               application as quickly as possible after being made.
               And UPON the Claimant taking into account when dealing with the housing management
               transfer the need for a suitable two-bedroom property so Mr Cordell can have a spare room
               for carers and for his family so he can get the support that he requires.
               IT IS ORDERED:
               •  The interim injunction order dated 09 January 2018 is dismissed forthwith.
               •  The Claimant’s claim and application for an injunction dated 09 January 2018, the
                   Claimant’s applications for the Defendant’s committal dated 05 February 2018 and 20
                   April 2018 and the Claimant’s application notice dated 07 August 2018 do stand
               •  The Claimant should serve a copy of this order upon the police to confirm the injection
                   orders dated 9 August 2017 and the 09 January 2018 has been dismissed.
               •  There be no order as to costs save for detailed assessment of the Defendant’s publicly
                   funded costs.
               •  Dated 09 August 2018
               RE: Simon Cordell-E00ED049-> LBE v Simon Cordell-E00ED049 Order 09082018 (680
               From: Trishna Kerai []
               To: 'Ludmilla Iyavoo
               Sent: 17 September 2018 09:58:36
               Subject: RE: LBE v Simon Cordell-E00ED049 Order 09082018
               Attachments: image001.jpg (570 KB)
               image002.jpg (1 KB)
               image003.jpg (1 KB)
               image004.jpg (1 KB)
               image005.jpg (2 KB); image006.png (0 KB)
               image007.png (48 KB)
               Hi Ludmilla,
               Further to my email below, could I please have a response with your views in relation to our
               proposed amended Order. Many thanks.
               Kind regards,
               Trishna Kerai | Caseworker | Magistrates Court Department
               T: 0208 888 5225
               M: 07790 993 860
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