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they've continued to set me up throughout the years. All
               Speaker 1:            02:26         All right. What's your name?
               Speaker 2:            02:29         Simon Paul Cordell.
               Speaker 1:            02:31         Simon Paul Cornell.
               Speaker 2:            02:32         Cordell, C. O. R. D. E. double L.
               Speaker 1:            02:36         okay.
               Speaker 2:            02:37         I've been locked up for 1.5 million hours. Yeah, that's
                                                   over seven years year. If you have, you took
                                                   500,000,000 half a million of them hours away. Yeah.
                                                   And said, okay, I'm asleep for them. Half a million. Say
                                                   I'm awake for the other million doing my defence work
                                                   writing all of this. That means over the seven years, for
                                                   every hour I get a pound, I should get a million-pound
                                                   compensation. And I am, I've proved from the
                                                   beginning in recordings that I'm correct and I'm right
                                                   and I've worked harder than a computer expert on a
                                                   level five who should be getting 50 pounds an hour. So,
                                                   if I'm getting 50 pound an hour over the seven hours for
                                                   over the seven years and I take away the five or half a
                                                   million from there, you do the sums, that's one pound an
                                                   hour. And I, I at one point at one pound an hour, that's a
                                                   million pounds, 50 million pounds somewhere I've lost
                                                   because of what these coppers have done to me and I've
                                                   had to sit and write it out in defence work a defence
                                                   solicitor would get it and I've got damages to my health,
                                                   I've got damages to my reputation the definition of my
                                                   character, I have been completely slandered here.
               Speaker 2:            03:37         And I have done nothing wrong. Apart from going
                                                   through the correct channels and ask for respect and
                                                   courtesy towards my human rights and for the person
                                                   that I am and nobody has been efficient in doing so.
               Speaker 1:            03:47         Okay. Can you just give me a date of birth?
               Speaker 2:            03:50         26 of the first 1981
               Speaker 1:            03:53         1981. Alright. Um, and what's your address?
               Speaker 2:            03:58         109 Burncroft Avenue.
               Speaker 3:            04:00         Okay.
               Speaker 1:            04:02         Burncroft Avenue and what is the post code
               Speaker 2:            04:04         echo November three seven Juliet Cubex.
               Speaker 3:            04:10         Right.
               Speaker 1:            04:16         Okay. So, in an answer to your original question about
                                                   if you can go out, I can't advise you on, do you have a
               Speaker 2:            04:23         I've spoken to solicitor. I am acting litigant on my own
                                                   behalf, which I'm legally allowed to do. And I'm
                                                   phoning you spread a message in movement and put
                                                   photos of me in the newspaper saying that I've been,
                                                   found guilty for the organization of an illegal raves. I've
                                                   got the transcripts up online and you can see the judge
                                                   couldn't, she even says it, I can't prove a legality. So,
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