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P. 137

Part 3 - Anyone else who lives with you

                  Does anyone else live with you? If No go to Part 4
                  Now tell us about anyone else who lives with you, who are not included in Parts 1 or 2 who usually live

                  with you.
                  If you need to tell us about more than FOUR people, use a separate sheet of paper.
                  Include all people who normally live with you, but not tenants, sub-tenants or boarders.

                   Person 1
                             Surname                    First names         Date of birth  Relationship to you

                     National Insurance number  Do they get Income Support,  Do they work 16   What is their gross
                                                   Jobseeker's Allowance/   hours or more a   income? (see note
                                                  Employment and Support       week?           below) £
                                                Allowance or Pensions Credits?
                                                                          Yes [  ] No [  ]
                                                   Yes [  ] No [  ] Applied for

                   Person 2
                             Surname                    First names         Date of birth  Relationship to you

                     National Insurance number  Do they get Income Support,  Do they work 16   What is their gross
                                                   Jobseeker's Allowance/   hours or more a   income? (see note
                                                  Employment and Support       week?           below) £
                                               Allowance or Pensions Credits?
                                                                          Yes [  ] No [  ]
                                                   Yes [  ] No [  ] Applied for

                   Person 3
                             Surname                   First names          Date of birth  Relationship to you

                     National Insurance number  Do they get Income Support,  Do they work 16   What is their gross
                                                   Jobseeker’s Allowance/   hours or more a   income? (see note
                                                  Employment and Support       week?           below) £
                                               Allowance or Pensions Credits?
                                                   Yes [  ]  No [  ]      Yes [  ] No [  ]
                                               Applied for (date): ................

                   HB/CTB 07 04/2013                           6                                    QC » nmc
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