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P. 138

Part 3 - Anyone else who lives with you (continued)

              Person 4

                         Surname                     First names           Date of birth  Relationship to you

                                             Do they get Income Support,
                                               Jobseeker’s Allowance,    Do they work 16  What is their gross
                National Insurance number     Employment and Support     hours or more a  income? (see note
                                                Allowance or Pensions        week?             below) £

                                                Yes [  ]   No [  ] Applied for
                                                                         Yes [  ] No [  ]
                                            (date): ...................................

              Do any of the people living with you live as a couple? If
              Yes, please state who is the partner of whom:

              Have any of the above persons an additional income? If
              Yes state name(s) and give details

              Boarders and sub-tenants
              Do you rent out part of your home to someone?
              Please give their names

              How much do you charge them each week?

              Does this charge include their heating? Does

              this charge include any meals?

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