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Part 12 About capital, savings and investments - continued

          170.  Do you, your partner, or  No
          any children you are            Yes
          claiming for own or partly
          own any property, land or
          timeshare, other than the
          home you live in, either in
          the UK or abroad?
          Tick ‘Yes’ even if you have a
          mortgage or loan for the
          property, land or timeshare.
          171. How much is it worth?

          172.  If you have a mortgage
          or loan for this, how much is
          left to repay?
           173.  Have you or your partner  Yes
           received a Far Eastern
           Prisoner of War payment or a

           compensation payment to
           victims of atrocities that
           happened during the Second
           World War?
           We need to know this to make
           sure we do not count it as part
           of your savings
           174.  Have you, your partner
           or any children you are         Yes
           claiming for received a
           payment from the vCJD
           (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease)

          Part 13 How you want to be paid

          if you are a council tenant your housing benefit will be paid to your rent account. Go to Part 15
          If you are a Housing Association tenant an agreement will be made with them regarding payment of benefit. Go to
          Part 15.

          If you are claiming council tax benefit it will be credited to your council tax account.
          If you are a private tenant, we can send your Housing Benefit cheque to you or straight to your landlord or agent.

          175. How do you want us to pay your Housing Benefit?

           I want to be paid by cheque.
                                                                    NB. We can only pay you this way if you
                                                                    have a bank account (see page 5 of notes).
           I want  my benefit  to go straight to
           my landlord
           I want  my benefit  to go straight to
           the landlord’s agent.

                                                         page 23 of 26
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