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Part 14 Paying benefit to your landlord or agent

              If you want us to pay your benefit straight to your landlord or agent you must sign this declaration.
              Please pay my Housing Benefit straight to my landlord or agent. I understand that:
              •  I must always tell you about any change in my circumstances;
              • if I do not tell you about any change of circumstances and you pay me too much benefit because of this, I will
               have to pay back the extra benefit; and
              •  I may be prosecuted if I do not tell you about any change of circumstances.

              Signature                                                   Date

              Now ask your landlord or agent to sign this agreement.

              Landlord’s name
              or agent

              I agree to accept Housing Benefit payments for the tenant named in this form.
              I understand that by law:
              •  I must tell you straight away if I find out about any change in the tenant’s circumstances;
              *  you can stop paying benefit to me if I do not tell you about any change of circumstances;
              •  I can be prosecuted if I accept Housing Benefit which I know I am not entitled to; and
              * if you pay me too much Housing Benefit for any tenant, I must repay it. You can take the amount of
               overpaid benefit from the benefit I get for any other tenants.

                                                                           Date                / /

            Part 15 Sharing information with your landlord or agent

              Sometimes, sharing information with your landlord helps us to deal with your claim quickly and reduces the risk of you
              falling behind with your rent because of your claim being delayed. We can only share information with your landlord or
              agent if you give permission.
              Under the Data Protection Act we need your permission to share information. If you give us permission, we would be able
              to tell your landlord or agent:
              • whether or not you had claimed or renewed your claim for Housing Benefit and, if so, whether we have made a decision
               on your claim or not; and
              »if we need further information to make a decision on your claim, and if so what information this is.
              There may be other information about your claim that we need to check with your landlord or agent, such as the date
              your tenancy started, before we can make a decision on your claim. If this is the case, we have to ask your landlord or
              agent even  if you have not given us permission to discuss your claim with them. But unless you have given us
              permission by signing this form, we will not discuss anything else with your landlord or agent.
              We will not give your landlord or agent any information about:
              •  your personal or household circumstances; or
              •  your financial circumstances.
              If you do not give us permission to discuss your claim with your landlord or agent, it will not affect your claim. And if you
              give us permission but then change your mind, we wilt follow your wishes. Just contact us and let us know. If you want to
              give us permission to discuss your claim with your landlord or agent, please sign below.
              I give Enfield Council permission to share information about the progress of my Housing Benefit claim with my landlord or
              their agent.

                                                                           Date                / f


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