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6/68/2016   11:56    020B8059394                    NIGTINGALE SURGERY                    PAGE 03/05
          CORDELL, Simon (Mr.) Data                                                     Nightingale House Surgery NHS
          of Birth: 26^an-l981                                                                 Number: 4M 096 1071
                  CORDELL, Simon (Mr.) Date of Birth; 26-Jan-19Bl (35y)

          Report Path: Local Record

          109 BURNCROFT Avenue, Enfield, Middlesex, EK3 7JQ NHS Number
          43409<51671                                          Home Tel:     07901833021
         Usual GP:        ABIDOYE, Dapo (Dr.)                  Work Tel;     07981833021
         Patient Type:    Regular*                             Mobile Tel:    02082457454

                          OS-Feb-1899                          email

          09-Deo2018    |X] Psychos is NOS Administer of
          28-Jtm-2011   Reductior of fracture of mandble
          13-Jar>2008   Fracture tf scaphoid                      SUNMARY*Y (IL) SUMMARY=Y
          31 -Jul-2005  Uoyd George cidledtsummarieed             LATERALITY - Left SUMMARY “Y
          13-Jul-2004   Fracture of scaphoid                      SUIVMARY=Y
          2O-Nov-1907   Overdose of drug                          SUIVMARY=Y
          23-Jun-1997   Asthma

          Significant Past

          No current medication
          No allergies recorded.
          Health Status
          04~Feb-2016 Non-smoker of
          O7-NOV-2011  cigarettes- O/E-weight                    79       kg
          07-Nov-2011  O/E-height                                177      cm
          07-NOV-201 1  Body Mass Index                          25.21    kg/m2
          4- Aug-20G5  Notes summary on computer
          5- Fet?1S9S  Current Drinker (Advised)                 40       Unitstoeek

          2O-Dec-1096  O/E Blood Pressure Rsacttng               110/70   mm Hg

         Planned Events
         16-Aug-2016 Risk Stratification -lifestyle data 16-Aug-2016 Seasonal Influenza
         Vaccination recommended 16-Aug-2016 No BP recorded in past 5 years
         1&Aug2016 Mental Health Cere Han Outstanding 1GAugT2016 Alcohol
         Consirnption recordng 16-Aug-2016 Named GP not informed 16-Aug-2016
         Patent on QOF Registers

         Last 3 Consultations
          26-Fab-201@                      Nightingale House Surgery MARTIN. Kim
                                  Document Letter encounter 15 Letter outside agency*

          Printed 12:05pm 16-Aug-2M6
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