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6/03/201o   11:5fc 02088059994                         NIGT1NGAl SURGERY                     PAGE 05/05
                                                                Nightingale House Surgery
         CORDELL, Simon (Mr.) Date of Birth:                    NHS Number 434 0981571
         26 Jan*1981

                           Red blood cell (RBC) count            4,53     xlQ 12/           4.30-5.00x10^2/1
                           Packed cell volume                    0.44     i/l               0,40 - 0,5214
                           l Mean corpuscular volume (MOV)       97.7     fj                76 00 - ».00fl
                           I Mean corpusc. Haemoglobin (MCH)     32.7     Pg                27,00 32.00pg
                           Mean corpusc Hix cone (MCHC)          335      flfl-             316O0-365.00g/L
                           Neutrophil count                               xlQ 0/l           2.00 - 7 50x10*9/1
                                 Feremaye result 67,73%          6.1
                       Lymphocyte count                          2.2      x10 9/l           1 00-4.00*10*9/1
                       Perrantes result 24.18%
                           Monocle count                         0 3      xt0 9/l           0.20 - 1.00x10 9/i
                                 Percentage result; 5,534%
                           Eosinophil count                               x1Q 9/l           0.04 - 0 40x10*&/l
                                          result 1,104%          0.1
                                     Basophil count              0.1      x1Q 9/l           0.02 -0 10x10 9/l
                                 te] centage result; 1.101%
          07-Nov-2011  O/E - weight                              79       kfl
          07-Nov-2011  O/E - height                              177      cm
          07/-Nov-2011  Body Mass Index                          25.21    kg/m2
          10-0ct-2011                                            32       mmol/l
                       Serum vitamin D. viewed by; YC
          10-00^2011                                                      ng/ml             !5 - 3Q0 ng/ml
                       Serum ferritin. viewed by:                66
          10-0ct-2011                                            4,5      ug/L              2 -14.5 ug/L
                       Serum fonts. viewed by: YC
          10-Oct-2C11                                                     ng/L              190 900 ng/L
          10-OCV-2011    l Serum \ vitamin &12 164 viewed by: YC, Gp comment Make
                         Routine Appointment Full Blood Count viewed t y:
          10-Oct-2011                                            3.4      UNKNOWN UNITS
                         Total cholesterol HD (. ratio. viewed t y
          10-OCMOH       AST sen m level                         24       U/L               10 - 37 u/L
          10-0ct-2011    IgA                                     3.22     g/l               0.8 - 3.9 g/i
                         . viewed iiy:
          1C-0ct-2O11                                            4.5      mmol/!            3-6 mmol/l
                         Serum glucose level. viewed l ay:
          1O-Qct-2011    Serum NDL cholesterol level             1.2      mmol/l
          10-Oet-20-1l   Serum LDL cholesterol Level             2-6      mmol/l            2 5 - 3.9 mmol/l
          10-0ct-2O11    Serum ti glycerides                     0.7      mmol/l
          10-Oct-2011    Serum cholesterol                       4.1      mmol/l            3.8 - 5,2 mmol/l
          10-Oct-2011    Serum inorganic phosphate               0,97     mmol/l            0.8 -1.4 mmol/L
          10-Oct-2011    Serum calcium                           2.31     mmol/L            21 -2,6 mmol/l
          10-Oct-2011    Correct* d serum calcium level          226      mmol/l            2 1 -2.6 mmol/l
          10-0ct-2011    Tissue transglutaminase IgA lev         1        U/ml
          1002011        . viewed by: YC PATH LAB RESULTS OF 10.10.11 GIVEN ON 2.11.11 Serum.
                         Pods viewed by:
                                                                                            3.8-6 2 mmol/l
                            Serum cholesterol 4.1 mnwi /l Serum triglycerides 0.7 mmol/I Thyroid function
                         test viewed by: YC Bone profile
                         viewed by: YC Gp comment: Make Routine Appointment
          d-Jurv-2009                                            2        per day
                         Cigarette smoker (Advised)
          05-Feb-1S99                                            40       unit week
                         Current Drinker (Advised)
          05-FetM99&     Non-smoker                              0        a cay
          2C-Dec-1096    Q/E Blood Pressure Reading O/E - bond pressure   110/70  mm Hg
          20-Dec-1096    reading

           Primed 12:0flpm 1$-Ai*j -201$                                                              Page 3 of 3
                                     C ortfdentiai NHS information — Includes sensitive or personal patient data
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