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            Sent: 15 July 2013 10:25
            To: Lorraine Cordell
            Subject: RE: Regina v. Simon Cordell for application to clarify bail conditions and vary bail
            conditions on Tuesday 16th July 2013


            It is a typo.

            On Jul 15, 2013 10:03 AM, "Lorraine Cordell" <> wrote:

              Hi Jose

              You made a mistake in this Simon was never given a bail notice from Woolwich he only had the one from the
              other court that give him bail from the prison.


              From: JOSEPHINE WARD []
              Sent: 15 July 2013 08:40
              Cc: croydonkingston&
              Subject: Regina v. Simon Cordell for application to clarify bail conditions and vary bail conditions on Tuesday
              16th July 2013

              Dear Sir or Madam
              We act on behalf of our above named client under the terms of a legal representation order.

              Our client's matter was listed at Woolwich Crown Court for a preliminary hearing and an
              application to vary our client's bail conditions.  The Learned Judge on that occasion refused to deal
              with the application to vary bail and raised issues regarding why the surety was not present.  He
              removed the surety requirement and our understanding is that our client was admitted to bail on the
              same terms as before.

              A number of issues have now arisen as a result of this.  Serco attended to insert an electronic tag
              and this was never a condition of our client's bail when he was granted bail by Woolwich Crown
              Court but a curfew with a door step condition was imposed.  Our client explained this to Serco who
              left.  We clarified that this information was accurate by reviewing the advocate's attendance note
              from 10th July and also receiving verbal confirmation from Mr Lemosa to further verify this.  When
              our client went to report to Edmonton Police Station in compliance with his bail conditions he was
              arrested for breaching his bail in that he refused Serco entry to install the electronic monitoring
              equipment.  This was on 13th July 2013.  Fortunately our client was able to produce a copy of the
              bail notice from Woolwich Crown Court and also a copy of the advocate's court attendance note
              who attended on 13th July 2013.  He was released.

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