Page 21 - 3. 2014 1st half New 26-05-21 No Table
P. 21

(a) Simon / Lorraine I have emailed the email I sent to Jemi and his response. This was based
               on the conversation and accusations made by Simon on the telephone
               Sunday 2nd February 2014.
               With regards to Jemi's non-availability. Jemi was booked for Simon's case and his jury was
               out and at risk of over running. You were advised of this fact at the time. What does happen
               sometimes is that once speeches are done in a case the barrister can get an alternative
               barrister to baby sit the case. Also, Simon's case was in the warned list, not given a fixture so
               there was no guarantee that the case would be listed. The case Jemi was dealing with at the
               time should have been a five-day case but it over ran, I agree the case is now listed for the
               warned list for the week commencing
               30th June 2014
               As you are aware on the
               when my mum got the email from you about my case about the application that was put to the
               court that day, when my mum got the email she was very worried due to the date for the
               listing for the new trial date, so she herself called you before she had even showed me the
               email. She knew the new trial date would cause a delay in my case by 6 months or more.  she
               asked you some things on the phone on the
               one being if we got the information from the crown could the date of the
               be taken sooner. You replied once we get the information form the crown and Third-Party
               Disclosure it could be listed back in court and there maybe was a chance to being the date
               forward for the hearing, this is the information she told me.
               (b) Yes, Simon I agree I did say this to your mother. I said there was a chance and I did not
               put it any higher than that.  It is this that is upsetting me so much as the longer it takes to put
               the applications into the court the longer it will take to get the information that is needed in
               my case. As you know I am on bail conditions that have stopped me doing anything for my
               business that I have been setting up for many years now. In fact, I have lost a lot of business
               due to the bail conditions I am on.  I do not think it is right that a judge to say to me that I can
               sub contract my business out, I am not talking here a small amount of money for my sound
               system or any of my equipment, if it was lost or damaged it could take a long time in which
               to recover the costs. This is why when my equipment is hired, I also go with it due to me
               being able to look after it and make sure they don’t red line my equipment or it is damage or
               taken, I myself take care of it.  And I do feel my human rights are being violated by the court
               and crown not allowing me to do my work.  The longer it takes this case to go to court for
               trial is the longer my business cannot run this is why I am so upset that things are not being
               put in on time to the court. I have spent many years getting to where I am today
               within my business and due to this case, my business is has suffered.
               (c) I have no control over Crown Court Judge's decisions re bail. They apply the Bail Act and
               the objections under this legislation in determining whether an individual should be given
               bail. You were originally refused bail due to fears that you would commit further offences
               and fail to surrender. I secured you bail, and I made this application out of office hours so you
               did not spend any longer in custody that what was necessary. I have made all requested bail
               variations with the exception of the one for your birthday as you did not feel you needed to
               provide me with the specifics of the variation and instead chose to argue with me about the
               rights of the Crown Court to require this information. Yes, I agree my case is in the warned
               list for the week of the
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