Page 24 - 3. 2014 1st half New 26-05-21 No Table
P. 24
Subject: RE: Simon Cordell - application to transfer legal representation
Hi Josey
Thank you for the reply to Simon’s email, Simon has asked me to write this email for him.
The section of my email that was sent to you yesterday that address Jemi and the meeting we
had come from my friend Katie who did attend the meeting with Jemi with me, so new what
was said and I used her words as to what she heard at the meeting as to what Jemi said to me.
If needed Katie could confirm this so can my mum as she was the one writing the email for
me that was sent yesterday. Could you also please send me a copy as to what you have sent
over to Jemi by email and his reply to your email?
I agree the case is now listed for the warned list for the week commencing 30th June 2014.
As you are aware on the
when my mum got the email from you about my case about the application that was put to the
court that day, when my mum got the email she was very worried due to the date for the
listing for the new trial date, so she herself called you before she had even showed me the
email. She knew the new trial date would cause a delay in my case by 6 months or more. she
asked you some things on the phone on the
one being if we got the information from the crown could the date of the
be taken sooner. You replied once we get the information form the crown and Third-Party
Disclosure it could be listed back in court and there maybe was a chance to being the date
forward for the hearing, this is the information she told me. It is this that is upsetting me so
much as the longer it takes to put the applications into the court the longer it will take to get
the information that is needed in my case.
As you know I am on bail conditions that have stopped me doing anything for my business
that I have been setting up for many years now. In fact, I have lost a lot of business due to the
bail conditions I am on. I do not think it is right that a judge to say to me that I can sub
contract my business out, I am not talking here a small amount of money for my sound
system or any of my equipment, if it was lost or damaged it could take a long time in which
to recover the costs. This is why when my equipment is hired, I also go with it due to me
being able to look after it and make sure they don’t red line my equipment or it is damage or
taken, I myself take care of it. And I do feel my human rights are being violated by the court
and crown not allowing me to do my work. The longer it takes this case to go to court for trial
is the longer my business cannot run this is why I am so upset that things are not being put in
on time to the court. I have spent many years getting to where I am today within my business
and due to this case, my business is has suffered. Yes, I agree my case is in the warned list
for the week of the
but would like the information well before this date so that maybe the trial can be taken
forward. I would also like it sooner than later so the facts as to how Mr Patel has done this
can be shown to the crown. As for what I said at my home and at police station is not the
issue here I knows what I said and was being honest as I did not think I had done anything
wrong. I did buy the items from Mohammed in good faith. For it to have been a job lot of 5
of each or just 1 gazebo, and 1 chair which was found at my address I think the police would
have taken the same said outcome to this case. They wanted someone for this case and I was
that person. This can be shown by any information we have asked for not being given they
still have not even given the CAD reports for that day in truth that there were other police at
the scene and let me in the building knowing I was there to hire my sound system for a
private party that night as I explained this to them when I got there. Let alone how many