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any work commencing, as agreed by them, after the councils survivors made their departure
               from my rented flat.
               At no fault of my own and for an unfair amount of time my flat stayed so cold if it were not
               for me needing my home to live in, it would have equalled to the same conditions as being
               outside in the open cold air!
               In the winter things go a lot worse, I needed more than just your normal extra protection off
               winter covers so to try my best to keep warm.
               I realised that due to my housing disrepair issues I became unwell all the time due to being so
               cold all the time and this did have a large impact on my health, making me have a personal
               This unforgettably caused me sleep disturbance, headache, prevention of enjoyment, and a
               breach of trust for Enfield Councils legal working policy’s frameworks and employees.
               Enfield Council not doing work that should have been done induced more infusing into the
               existing problems.
               I did buy myself an electric heater but the cost of running this was very high also and at my
               As prior mentioned I had surveyor after surveyor out to my flat but each time every different
               person in attendance, would say the work would get done and yet it never got completed.
               In 20015 after another complaint was put into the Enfield councils complaints department,
               but on this occasion my mother called in upset and this was in the year of 2015; regarding the
               heating, holes in the window, missing floorboards and re occurrence of damp, when on the
               phone she got shocked by the Enfield councils reasonable person whom explained to her that
               I had removed all my flats heating pipe work and this is why the heating never got replaced in
               them past years and that the Enfield Council were attempting to charge me nearly £4000 to
               replace my heating.
               this section is wrong on the 02/03/2015 I was sick of making calls to the council regarding
               your heating and nothing getting done I emailed a complaint to them, regarding multiple
               issues and repairs not getting done including your heating, the council once they had this
               email started to get jobs done on the list but still nothing regarding your heating. in May 2015
               I got a call from a lady from the council regarding your heating, saying you had removed all
               your pipework, in 2015 and you know the rest from here.
               My mother got upset at hearing what the lady said to her on the phone, and as a consequence
               she explained to the lady that she wanted for her to arrange a manger and surveyor to come to
               the flat and that this must happen within the next few days from then on, so to re analyse the
               situation then in hand by the complaint departments reasonable persons, and my mother
               continued her conversation by expressing; if she had to she would lift the rest of the flooring
               up in my flat to prove the pipe work was all in place and show that the rest including the
               bedroom and bathroom were still there.
               At this the lady explained while still on the phone that there is no need for what my mother
               told her to happen and that the council will replace the heating system, but the problems did
               not stop for me there again and as a continuation the Enfield Council employees then sent the
               surveyors out to my flat to oversee and then order to replace the heating system but survivors
               or council employees had told the sub-contractors that I had removed all the pipe work, to the
               point no one wanted to come out and do the work.
               The sub-contractor was very shocked to see all the pipework, pipework still in place and also
               said that he is glad that he meets me and saw the truth himself.
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