Page 269 - 10. 2nd half 2018 New 26-05-21 No Table
P. 269

4.      I assessed Mr Cordell on 6 July 2018, at his flat 109 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield EN3
               7JQ, accompanied by two officers from the Enfield Housing Team. I can confirm that prior to
               my assessment; I explained to Mr Cordell my role and the purpose of my visit. I also
               explained to him that I was acting on the instructions of the Enfield Council at the directions
               of the Court.
               4. Assessment of Mr Cordell

               •       Mr Cordell spoke to us for a few minutes outside his flat and upon explaining the
               purpose of the visit, he allowed us into his flat. He agreed to tie the dog outside in the
               garden. The flat although disorganised with papers and folders scattered around, did not
               appear overly cluttered. Mr Cordell presented as a young, slim built, mixed race male with
               reasonable hygiene. We explained our roles and the purpose of our visit. Mr Cordell
               informed us that he was recording our conversation.
               •       Mr Cordell seemed very keen and enthusiastic to talk and we had to explain the
               reason of our visit several times to maintain some structure and focus. He maintained
               appropriate eye contact and we managed to establish a rapport after a while. His
               demeanour was polite and appropriate. There was evidence of psychomotor agitation as he
               appeared generally restless and overactive. Mr Cordell described his appetite and sleep
               pattern as fine. Objectively I would regard his mood as labile, rapidly fluctuating between
               euthymia (normal mood) and irritability.
               •       Mr Cordell’s comprehension of information presented to him appeared adequate.
               He was able to understand the queries presented to him. His responses however were very
               elaborate and circumstantial. His speech was very pressured, difficult to interrupt and at
               times frankly rambling. There was clear evidence of thought disorder with flight of ideas
               (rapid shift of ideas with some superficial apparent connection). Mr Cordell struggled to
               sustain his goal of thinking as he often derailed to themes of relevance to him, digressing
               away from the topic of discussion. It was very difficult to obtain a direct response to the
               queries posed to him and follow his thread of conversation.
               4.4. Mr Cordell’s thought content was replete with various delusional beliefs of persecutory
               grandiose nature. He spoke of an elaborate conspiracy which involves the Enfield local
               authority and the metropolitan police, dating back since 2013, when he claimed that he was
               arrested for putting up a gazebo in his garden which led to him being barred from visiting
               places in central London and placed on a curfew from 10 pm. Mr Cordell informed that he
               followed these restrictions imposed on him for about a year and returned to Court and won
               the case. Mr Cordell then went on to talk about Sally Gillcrest, the legal executive for the
               metropolitan police who he alleged set him up for a million pounds and brought on an ASBO
               against him, which ended with him being imposed on a nine-year curfew. Mr Cordell stated
               that Sally Gillcrest in conjunction with the borough commander Jane Johnson and the
               community officer started spreading rumours that he was “suffering from herpes and has
               hurt a woman” which the neighbours in his block became aware of and started sending him
               messages addressing him as “you; black boy. Mr Cordell implied that Sally Gillcrest colluded
               with the neighbours as she had a vested interest in getting him out of this country. He
               stated that the neighbours above him deliberately bang on his ceiling and have also subject
               him to other forms of harassment since 2014. Mr Cordell implied that the neighbours were
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