Page 285 - 10. 2nd half 2018 New 26-05-21 No Table
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elaborate and circumstantial. His speech was very pressured, difficult to interrupt and at
                   times frankly rambling. There was clear evidence of thought disorder with flight of ideas
                   (rapid shift of ideas with some superficial apparent connection). Mr Cordell struggled to
                   sustain his goal of thinking as he often derailed to themes of relevance to him, digressing
                   away from the topic of discussion. It was very difficult to obtain a direct response to the
                   queries posed to him and follow his thread of conversation.
               4.4 Mr Cordell’s thought content was replete with various delusional beliefs of persecutory
                   and grandiose nature. He spoke of an elaborate conspiracy which involves the Enfield
                   local authority and the metropolitan police, dating back since 2013, when he claimed
                   that he was arrested for putting up a gazebo in his garden which led to him being barred
                   from visiting
                   places in central London and placed on a curfew from 10 pm. Mr Cordell informed that
                   he followed these restrictions imposed on him for about a year and returned to Court
                   and won the case. Mr Cordell then went on to talk about Sally Gilcrest, the legal
                   executive for the metropolitan police who he alleged set him up for a million pounds
                   and brought on an ASBO against him, which ended with him being imposed on a nine-
                   year curfew. Mr Cordell stated that Sally Gilcrest in conjunction with the borough
                   commander Jane Johnson and the community officer started spreading rumours that he
                   was “suffering from herpes and has hurt a woman” which the neighbours in his block
                   became aware of and started sending him messages addressing him as “you black boy”.
                   Mr Cordell implied that Sally Gilchrest colluded with the neighbours as she had a vested
                   interest in getting him out of this country. He stated that the neighbours above him
                   deliberately bang on his ceiling and have also subject him to other forms of harassment
                   since 2014. Mr Cordell implied that the neighbours were responsible for the miscarriage
                   suffered by his then girlfriend and also held them responsible for the separation from his
                   previous girlfriends. He further stated that between 2014 and 2016, his mother has
                   made numerous complaints to the council regarding the harassment he has been
                   subject to and he has won a criminal case against his neighbours
               4.5 Mr Cordell then went on to elaborate his grievance against Lemmy, the officer who
                   works for the Enfield local authority. He claimed that he received an email from Lemmy
                   threatening that he would obtain a possession order against him and asking him to
                   attend a meeting. He then stated that the ASBO that was served against him was not
                   valid due to lack of signature. Therefore Lemmy built a false case against him by using
                   “lower grade cases" to pursue a possession order and subsequently an injunction order,
                   by falsifying statements and using “statements from dead cases”. According to Mr
                   Cordell this was declared as invalid by a Judge, however Lemmy has continued to
                   produce false orders against him in the way of a second injunction, which he claimed has
                   never been served on him. Mr Cordell described this as “targeted malice" by Lemmy as
                   he has used the injunction as a smoke screen to cover up the ASBO by providing false
                   statements and witnesses.
               4.6 In addition, Mr Cordell also described a number of grandiose beliefs, stating that he was
                   building a constitution on CIC, which he explained to be Community Interest Company.
                   He also spoke of a number of other businesses. He was keen to show us the various
                   documents, emails, and recordings he has accrued as evidence to support his case.
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